Covid 19
At Jump Primary School, we have worked hard to ensure that all of our school community stays safe during the response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
C19 - Outbreak Management Plan - September 2021
Remember - Hands - Face - Space
Full Return to School in September 2020
You will be aware by now that all children returned to school in September 2020. We are delighted that we can return to teaching and learning with 100% of our pupils in attendance.
In order that everyone in school is safe (and the risk of transmission is low), we have updated our risk assessment document below, which identifies the measures that will be taken by all of us.
You will also have received information about expectations around drop-off times, pick-ups, lunchtimes and other areas related to the on-going COVID response as well as information specific to Nursery and Reception. Please spend a few moments looking over our 'Restart Plan.'
Please consider all of these carefully in order that our return in September is as smooth and safe as possible.
Full Opening Risk Assessment - Updated January 2022
Home Learning
In the event of future school closures or bubble isolation, we will again direct our parents and pupils to our remote learning plans.
Our aim is to continue to teach the National Curriculum requirements to each year group by providing a blended approach between home and school.
We have created plans for each year group so that all children can continue their learning at home, if necessary. Please review our 'Remote Learning Guidance' below to find out more information on how we will continue to teach in the event of an isolation or school closure.
Recovery and Catch up Guidance
It's important that we all know what to do if we show signs of the symptoms of Covid - 19. This NHS guidance may help you.