Welcome to Jump Nursery!
The children in Nursery are taught by the Nursery Teacher Miss Saxton and CSA Mr Hopkinson
To find out more about our classroom and the work that we do, click on the 'Communications' tab and view our school Facebook page.
Applying For a Place For Your Child at Our Nursery
Please contact the school (01226 743041) to see if we have places available.
Your child is eligible for a place at our Nursery from the term following their third birthday. You can apply for a place at our Nursery following their second birthday.
15 hour or 30 hour places are available.
Click on the links below for the application forms (you will need to complete all of these.)
Application form for the council
We welcome prospective parents/carers and children to come and visit our Nursery (and the whole school if you would like to). Please contact us on 01226 743041 to arrange a visit.
During your visit the Nursery team will happily answer any questions you may have. It will provide an opportunity for you to find out more about; the provision, the structure of a Nursery session and the activities your child will take part in whilst attending our Nursery.
What takes place during a Nursery session?
We follow the early years curriculum with a mixture of focused group times and access to play based provision. We believe eour provision is the 'Third teacher in the room' and enables pupils to follow their learning independently . We believe that outdoor learning is just as important as learning that takes place in the Nursery. For the majority of the session your child can choose whether to play and learn indoors or outdoors.
Take a look at photos of our provision below.
(Click on the photos below to enlarge).
During the session there are group times that cover Maths, Phonics, Personal, social and emotional development or have a Thematic focus. There are adult focused activities throughout the session and lots of opportunity for free play.
We are always busy having fun at Jump Nursery!
Ready, Steady, Play!- transition from home to Nursery
We believe that as Nursery is the first step in your child’s school education it is important for them to feel happy and settled as soon as possible. Our outstanding practice here at Jump Nursery as well as the Ready, Steady, Play! sessions prepares your child for the start of Nursery life.
Ready, Steady Play! is a 2 week programme of transition from home to our Nursery. The sessions are 1 hour per week. Parents/carers stay and play with their children.
The aims of the programme are to:
See below for testimonials from parents/carers who have attended Ready, Steady, Play! sessions.
Current letters and information are sent via email and are also on display on the Nursery noticeboard which is on the left as you enter Nursery.
What playing and learning has been happening in Nursery recently?