Our Curriculum


At Jump Primary School, within a strong family culture, our vision is to support our children in their journey to becoming happy, safe and confident learners who believe in themselves. We want our children to achieve their potential
through appropriate levels of challenge and support within an academic curriculum that is broad, has depth and develops resilience. Within a culture that has language skills at the heart, we aim for our children to become critical thinkers who can communicate in an articulate manner; we want our children to know their rights and their responsibilities. Our goal is to develop children who are emotionally intelligent and are able to form positive relationships based on
respect to be successful in a diverse society.


‘Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient’ are our simple school rules which permeate all aspects of school life.

We also hold our motto very closely as we nurture the unique talents of the individual while also fostering a cohesive sense of community.’ I am talented; together we are awesome’.


Scroll down to view the content of our Curriculum in each year group or click on the tabs to the left to find out more about our individual subjects.


To find out even more information, take a look at our 'Communications' tab or school Facebook Page.


Browse through our Curriculum Map below to find out what happens each half term, in each year group.

The content of our curriculum is clearly mapped out for each academic year and for each subject - just click on the links to the left to find out more.



The curriculum currently delivered is broadly based taking due account of the National Curriculum and British Values.


Our British Values Statement


We believe in each child working to their own ability level with clearly differentiated tasks set, that enable all children to achieve their full potential. 


We ensure that we cater for lots of different learning styles and encourage our children to regularly participate in activities beyond the curriculum.


For our aims, knowledge and skills relating to specific subject areas, please click on the links to the left.



For more information about the National Curriculum, please follow the link below:



To find out about how we assess our curriculum click here!