We have agreed to take part in the 'Is Plastic Fantastic?' challenge set up by our local MP Stephanie Peacock. We are hoping to collect enough points to qualify for a certificate in the Autumn term. Please click on the links below for more details of the project.
Week ending 20th July 2018
Thank you to everyone who was able to come and see the fantastic performances put on by Key Stage 2 this week. The children were amazing and I'm sure you will agree that we have lots of talented children at our school! We hope you all enjoyed the performances as much as we did.
Maisie is known at school for her amazing homework projects and we couldn't let her leave for the summer holidays without showing this one. She has made 'Lemon the Lemur' out of an Ariel bottle, pom poms, paper, googlie eyes and a lot of hard work! Fantastic work Maisie!
The School Council, Mrs Baker, PTFA members and the Tidy Team worked collaboratively this week to make bird feeders to hang in the school grounds over the summer. This activity will contribute to the Woodland Trust Green School Award we are working towards. Everyone worked really hard - thank you everyone!
Congratulations and thanks must go to Mr Parkes who has secured us the Gold School Games Mark award for commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport! We will post a certificate of our award when it arrives. We also received a 'Highly Commended' award from Team Active for our commitment to professional development in PE for this year.
We received our 'British Council International School Award' at foundation level for our work with our sponsored children and our 'Send my Friend to School' work that we completed earlier this term. We will look towards the next level next year as we continue to enhance our curriculum.
After a very emotional assembly this morning, we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6. We hope they continue to do well at Kirk Balk as there is nothing they cannot achieve. We hope they all keep in touch!
Thank you to everyone for your support this year. Have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September!
Week ending 13th July 2018
Children from school along with Mr Parkes and Mr Hopkinson went to a sports presentation evening for the Hoyland pyramid of schools. They represented Jump as we won the cross country event earlier this year. The girls were presented with their trophy and enjoyed a buffet and disco! Well done!
Things to look our for next week...
Parents evening is on Monday straight after school for those parents who wish to discuss their child's report.
KS2 children are presenting their 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' play on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon and evening. There are still some tickets left so please pop in to school to buy them - we would love a full audience at every performance!
The Year 6 leavers assembly takes places on the last day - Friday 20th July, 2018.
Week ending 6th July 2018
We had a visit from Diane McKinlay from the RNLI who came to visit school. She gave an assembly to the whole school then also visited Nursery and Reception as 'The Seaside' is part of their topic and their trip.
It was a very informative session and we all found out a lot of new information.
Reception performed in assembly and showed us their amazing singing and performing skills. Thank you to Mr Townsend for helping them this term!
Year 5 and 6 represented the school at a rounders tournament where they came third out of eight teams - well done everyone!
Year 2 completed their 'Art Week' work by making these puppets! Here are just 2 fantastic pieces of work!
Some more art work from our 'Art Week' last week...
Nursery Year 3
Year 2
We're in the news this week ...
Things to look out for next week...
Reports are out on Monday.
Week ending 29th June 2018
Its been another busy week! Our cricket team played all day at a cricket competition in town. They won 2 matches and lost 2 matches and played really well! Unfortunately our girls football team didn't win earlier this week in the football competition but enjoyed it!
The School Council are working toward the Woodland Trust Green School Award and this week, they worked with Hazel from the Tidy Team and Mrs Moore (Tidy Team and Governor) to take photos from natures perspective. Here are their stunning results!
We had our own art week this week. Classes produced a range of work which parents came to see on Thursday afternoon. The artwork produced was stunning. Here are just a few examples...
Year 6 Year 1
Year 5 Reception
We celebrated the world cup today with some classes playing their own World Cup tournaments on the field. Here are just a few of the photos...
Last week in assembly, the girls from Year 1,2 and 4 presented Tiny Hearts with a cheque for the money they raised in school. Everyone listened really well to how the money would be spent!
The children really enjoyed receiving their certificates and the school certificate is proudly displayed in our entrance.
Things to look out for next week...
Tuesday is our transition day. All classes will spend the morning with their new teacher.
Our Year 6 children are out on transition on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Week ending 22nd June 2018
This week, classes spent time considering what makes a safe school as part of our work on the Send My Friend to School project. Some older classes also looked at how children around the world go to school and the challenges they face. Below are some examples of the work completed which we are sending to our local MP in the hope they remind the Prime Minister of the promise made to ensure that all children should get the chance to go to school.
Year 5 had a fun filled afternoon baking on Thursday. They read recipes in German and translated them, converted measurements from pounds and ounces to grams and then made beautiful turtle shaped biscuits. They looked amazing!
Some children from Key Stage 2 represented the school at an athletics event on Friday. The Year 3 won their year group and we came 4th overall. Well done everyone.
Things to look out for next week...
Next week is Art Week! Classes will be looking at different artists and producing a variety of art work Monday-Thursday. Parents are invited in school on Thursday at 3pm to see all the hard work!
The girls football team have a tournament on Monday.
Next Friday is our World Cup day. Children are allowed to come to school in any football kit/sporty outfit for the day. Classes will be completing work based on different countries.
Week ending 15th June 2018
It's been a very busy week this week! Nursery, Reception+KS1 and KS2 all managed to complete their sports days this week. Everyone really enjoyed it and the children had lots of fun. A small selection of photos can be seen below...
The Year 5+6 Cricketers were fantastic at a local cricket tournament and sailed through into the next round. Well done everyone!
Some children took part in a Rugby tournament last week and although they didn't win, they really enjoyed taking part.
A group of Year 6 children took part in a Golf competition today and came 5th - well done!
The turtles, sponsored by the Year 5 girls and their class, have arrived! Well done everyone for supporting our adoption of these 3 animals.
Things to look out for next week...
All classes will be taking part in Send My Friend to School activities (as detailed in our latest newsletter).
Week ending 8th June 2018
KS1 and KS2 enjoyed a performance from the Momotheatre group on Tuesday. We had the free show for achieving the Silver Modeshift Travel Award this year. The show was about using the cars less and finding safe, alternative ways to get to school. The shows were very funny and hopefully the children will remember the important messages too!
Year 6 experienced some specialist cricket coaching this week. Here are just some of the photos that were taken...
Congratulations to the girls in Year 5 who made £111.76 selling their delicious buns at playtimes. They have raised enough money to adopt 3 turtles - we will post a picture of their certificates when they arrive. The girls in Year 4 and 2 raised £245.49 for Tiny Hearts charity and Jump Primary School through selling their homemade bows, bath bombs etc. We are hoping to have a picture of them passing over the money soon. Well done to both groups and thank you to everyone who bought something!
Things to look out for next week...
We have our sports days next week (weather permitting!). Nursery is on Tuesday, KS1 Wednesday and KS2 Thursday.
Week ending 25th May 2018
Unfortunately the girls football tournament was cancelled due to the weather. A new date will be arranged soon!
Groups of girls in various classes have been very busy this week selling homemade items on stalls. We will reveal how much they have raised for their various charities after the half term. Thank you to everyone who bought a bun, a hair clip, crayons etc. It is very much appreciated!
We have been successful in our Tesco Bags of Help scheme and have won the most votes at the local Tesco store! Thank you to everyone who posted a token into our box. We will update you on when to see the new resources in the outdoor areas in Nursery, Reception and Year 1.
You may have noticed a piano in the school entrance. This has been a kind gift to school from Adam Slater as a thank you for the fundraising we did for the meningitis now charity. We have special plans in place for the piano - more details to follow soon!
Things to look out for after the half term...
A reminder that Monday 4th June is an INSET day.
On Tuesday KS1 and KS2 have a theatre performance to look forward to on road safety. We have been given the performance for free for achieving the Silver Modeshift Travel Award this year.
Week ending 18th May 2018
The children in Year 2 and 6 have worked particularly hard this week on their SATs (Year 2 have a bit more to do next week). We are very proud of them and couldn't ask them to do more - they gave it everything! Well done everyone!
Ms Oglanby chose the last day of SATs as her time to retire. She has worked at the school for 18 years teaching classes and delivering booster sessions. We hope she enjoyed her gifts and cake and wish her a long and happy retirement!
We finished the week with our Prince and Princesses day. Radio Sheffield came to speak to some of our Year 2 pupils and speak to Mrs Pettiger about going to the Royal Wedding tomorrow. We hope she enjoys her special day and have told her to take lots of photos. The classes enjoyed a special lunch provided by the kitchen and completed a variety of games and activities during the day. Year 5 and 6 played a rounders competition in the afternoon and Year 1,2 and 4 played royal games on the field.
We have agreed to take part in the 'Is Plastic Fantastic?' challenge set up by our local MP Stephanie Peacock. We are hoping to collect enough points to qualify for a certificate in the Autumn term. Please click on the links below for more details of the project.
Week ending 20th July 2018
Thank you to everyone who was able to come and see the fantastic performances put on by Key Stage 2 this week. The children were amazing and I'm sure you will agree that we have lots of talented children at our school! We hope you all enjoyed the performances as much as we did.
Maisie is known at school for her amazing homework projects and we couldn't let her leave for the summer holidays without showing this one. She has made 'Lemon the Lemur' out of an Ariel bottle, pom poms, paper, googlie eyes and a lot of hard work! Fantastic work Maisie!
The School Council, Mrs Baker, PTFA members and the Tidy Team worked collaboratively this week to make bird feeders to hang in the school grounds over the summer. This activity will contribute to the Woodland Trust Green School Award we are working towards. Everyone worked really hard - thank you everyone!
Congratulations and thanks must go to Mr Parkes who has secured us the Gold School Games Mark award for commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport! We will post a certificate of our award when it arrives. We also received a 'Highly Commended' award from Team Active for our commitment to professional development in PE for this year.
We received our 'British Council International School Award' at foundation level for our work with our sponsored children and our 'Send my Friend to School' work that we completed earlier this term. We will look towards the next level next year as we continue to enhance our curriculum.
After a very emotional assembly this morning, we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6. We hope they continue to do well at Kirk Balk as there is nothing they cannot achieve. We hope they all keep in touch!
Thank you to everyone for your support this year. Have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September!
Week ending 13th July 2018
Children from school along with Mr Parkes and Mr Hopkinson went to a sports presentation evening for the Hoyland pyramid of schools. They represented Jump as we won the cross country event earlier this year. The girls were presented with their trophy and enjoyed a buffet and disco! Well done!
Things to look our for next week...
Parents evening is on Monday straight after school for those parents who wish to discuss their child's report.
KS2 children are presenting their 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' play on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon and evening. There are still some tickets left so please pop in to school to buy them - we would love a full audience at every performance!
The Year 6 leavers assembly takes places on the last day - Friday 20th July, 2018.
Week ending 6th July 2018
We had a visit from Diane McKinlay from the RNLI who came to visit school. She gave an assembly to the whole school then also visited Nursery and Reception as 'The Seaside' is part of their topic and their trip.
It was a very informative session and we all found out a lot of new information.
Reception performed in assembly and showed us their amazing singing and performing skills. Thank you to Mr Townsend for helping them this term!
Year 5 and 6 represented the school at a rounders tournament where they came third out of eight teams - well done everyone!
Year 2 completed their 'Art Week' work by making these puppets! Here are just 2 fantastic pieces of work!
Some more art work from our 'Art Week' last week...
Nursery Year 3
Year 2
We're in the news this week ...
Things to look out for next week...
Reports are out on Monday.
Week ending 29th June 2018
Its been another busy week! Our cricket team played all day at a cricket competition in town. They won 2 matches and lost 2 matches and played really well! Unfortunately our girls football team didn't win earlier this week in the football competition but enjoyed it!
The School Council are working toward the Woodland Trust Green School Award and this week, they worked with Hazel from the Tidy Team and Mrs Moore (Tidy Team and Governor) to take photos from natures perspective. Here are their stunning results!
We had our own art week this week. Classes produced a range of work which parents came to see on Thursday afternoon. The artwork produced was stunning. Here are just a few examples...
Year 6 Year 1
Year 5 Reception
We celebrated the world cup today with some classes playing their own World Cup tournaments on the field. Here are just a few of the photos...
Last week in assembly, the girls from Year 1,2 and 4 presented Tiny Hearts with a cheque for the money they raised in school. Everyone listened really well to how the money would be spent!
The children really enjoyed receiving their certificates and the school certificate is proudly displayed in our entrance.
Things to look out for next week...
Tuesday is our transition day. All classes will spend the morning with their new teacher.
Our Year 6 children are out on transition on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Week ending 22nd June 2018
This week, classes spent time considering what makes a safe school as part of our work on the Send My Friend to School project. Some older classes also looked at how children around the world go to school and the challenges they face. Below are some examples of the work completed which we are sending to our local MP in the hope they remind the Prime Minister of the promise made to ensure that all children should get the chance to go to school.
Year 5 had a fun filled afternoon baking on Thursday. They read recipes in German and translated them, converted measurements from pounds and ounces to grams and then made beautiful turtle shaped biscuits. They looked amazing!
Some children from Key Stage 2 represented the school at an athletics event on Friday. The Year 3 won their year group and we came 4th overall. Well done everyone.
Things to look out for next week...
Next week is Art Week! Classes will be looking at different artists and producing a variety of art work Monday-Thursday. Parents are invited in school on Thursday at 3pm to see all the hard work!
The girls football team have a tournament on Monday.
Next Friday is our World Cup day. Children are allowed to come to school in any football kit/sporty outfit for the day. Classes will be completing work based on different countries.
Week ending 15th June 2018
It's been a very busy week this week! Nursery, Reception+KS1 and KS2 all managed to complete their sports days this week. Everyone really enjoyed it and the children had lots of fun. A small selection of photos can be seen below...
The Year 5+6 Cricketers were fantastic at a local cricket tournament and sailed through into the next round. Well done everyone!
Some children took part in a Rugby tournament last week and although they didn't win, they really enjoyed taking part.
A group of Year 6 children took part in a Golf competition today and came 5th - well done!
The turtles, sponsored by the Year 5 girls and their class, have arrived! Well done everyone for supporting our adoption of these 3 animals.
Things to look out for next week...
All classes will be taking part in Send My Friend to School activities (as detailed in our latest newsletter).
Week ending 8th June 2018
KS1 and KS2 enjoyed a performance from the Momotheatre group on Tuesday. We had the free show for achieving the Silver Modeshift Travel Award this year. The show was about using the cars less and finding safe, alternative ways to get to school. The shows were very funny and hopefully the children will remember the important messages too!
Year 6 experienced some specialist cricket coaching this week. Here are just some of the photos that were taken...
Congratulations to the girls in Year 5 who made £111.76 selling their delicious buns at playtimes. They have raised enough money to adopt 3 turtles - we will post a picture of their certificates when they arrive. The girls in Year 4 and 2 raised £245.49 for Tiny Hearts charity and Jump Primary School through selling their homemade bows, bath bombs etc. We are hoping to have a picture of them passing over the money soon. Well done to both groups and thank you to everyone who bought something!
Things to look out for next week...
We have our sports days next week (weather permitting!). Nursery is on Tuesday, KS1 Wednesday and KS2 Thursday.
Week ending 25th May 2018
Unfortunately the girls football tournament was cancelled due to the weather. A new date will be arranged soon!
Groups of girls in various classes have been very busy this week selling homemade items on stalls. We will reveal how much they have raised for their various charities after the half term. Thank you to everyone who bought a bun, a hair clip, crayons etc. It is very much appreciated!
We have been successful in our Tesco Bags of Help scheme and have won the most votes at the local Tesco store! Thank you to everyone who posted a token into our box. We will update you on when to see the new resources in the outdoor areas in Nursery, Reception and Year 1.
You may have noticed a piano in the school entrance. This has been a kind gift to school from Adam Slater as a thank you for the fundraising we did for the meningitis now charity. We have special plans in place for the piano - more details to follow soon!
Things to look out for after the half term...
A reminder that Monday 4th June is an INSET day.
On Tuesday KS1 and KS2 have a theatre performance to look forward to on road safety. We have been given the performance for free for achieving the Silver Modeshift Travel Award this year.
Week ending 18th May 2018
The children in Year 2 and 6 have worked particularly hard this week on their SATs (Year 2 have a bit more to do next week). We are very proud of them and couldn't ask them to do more - they gave it everything! Well done everyone!
Ms Oglanby chose the last day of SATs as her time to retire. She has worked at the school for 18 years teaching classes and delivering booster sessions. We hope she enjoyed her gifts and cake and wish her a long and happy retirement!
We finished the week with our Prince and Princesses day. Radio Sheffield came to speak to some of our Year 2 pupils and speak to Mrs Pettiger about going to the Royal Wedding tomorrow. We hope she enjoys her special day and have told her to take lots of photos. The classes enjoyed a special lunch provided by the kitchen and completed a variety of games and activities during the day. Year 5 and 6 played a rounders competition in the afternoon and Year 1,2 and 4 played royal games on the field.
We have agreed to take part in the 'Is Plastic Fantastic?' challenge set up by our local MP Stephanie Peacock. We are hoping to collect enough points to qualify for a certificate in the Autumn term. Please click on the links below for more details of the project.
Week ending 20th July 2018
Thank you to everyone who was able to come and see the fantastic performances put on by Key Stage 2 this week. The children were amazing and I'm sure you will agree that we have lots of talented children at our school! We hope you all enjoyed the performances as much as we did.
Maisie is known at school for her amazing homework projects and we couldn't let her leave for the summer holidays without showing this one. She has made 'Lemon the Lemur' out of an Ariel bottle, pom poms, paper, googlie eyes and a lot of hard work! Fantastic work Maisie!
The School Council, Mrs Baker, PTFA members and the Tidy Team worked collaboratively this week to make bird feeders to hang in the school grounds over the summer. This activity will contribute to the Woodland Trust Green School Award we are working towards. Everyone worked really hard - thank you everyone!
Congratulations and thanks must go to Mr Parkes who has secured us the Gold School Games Mark award for commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport! We will post a certificate of our award when it arrives. We also received a 'Highly Commended' award from Team Active for our commitment to professional development in PE for this year.
We received our 'British Council International School Award' at foundation level for our work with our sponsored children and our 'Send my Friend to School' work that we completed earlier this term. We will look towards the next level next year as we continue to enhance our curriculum.
After a very emotional assembly this morning, we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6. We hope they continue to do well at Kirk Balk as there is nothing they cannot achieve. We hope they all keep in touch!
Thank you to everyone for your support this year. Have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September!
Week ending 13th July 2018
Children from school along with Mr Parkes and Mr Hopkinson went to a sports presentation evening for the Hoyland pyramid of schools. They represented Jump as we won the cross country event earlier this year. The girls were presented with their trophy and enjoyed a buffet and disco! Well done!
Things to look our for next week...
Parents evening is on Monday straight after school for those parents who wish to discuss their child's report.
KS2 children are presenting their 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' play on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon and evening. There are still some tickets left so please pop in to school to buy them - we would love a full audience at every performance!
The Year 6 leavers assembly takes places on the last day - Friday 20th July, 2018.
Week ending 6th July 2018
We had a visit from Diane McKinlay from the RNLI who came to visit school. She gave an assembly to the whole school then also visited Nursery and Reception as 'The Seaside' is part of their topic and their trip.
It was a very informative session and we all found out a lot of new information.
Reception performed in assembly and showed us their amazing singing and performing skills. Thank you to Mr Townsend for helping them this term!
Year 5 and 6 represented the school at a rounders tournament where they came third out of eight teams - well done everyone!
Year 2 completed their 'Art Week' work by making these puppets! Here are just 2 fantastic pieces of work!
Some more art work from our 'Art Week' last week...
Nursery Year 3
Year 2
We're in the news this week ...
Things to look out for next week...
Reports are out on Monday.
Week ending 29th June 2018
Its been another busy week! Our cricket team played all day at a cricket competition in town. They won 2 matches and lost 2 matches and played really well! Unfortunately our girls football team didn't win earlier this week in the football competition but enjoyed it!
The School Council are working toward the Woodland Trust Green School Award and this week, they worked with Hazel from the Tidy Team and Mrs Moore (Tidy Team and Governor) to take photos from natures perspective. Here are their stunning results!
We had our own art week this week. Classes produced a range of work which parents came to see on Thursday afternoon. The artwork produced was stunning. Here are just a few examples...
Year 6 Year 1
Year 5 Reception
We celebrated the world cup today with some classes playing their own World Cup tournaments on the field. Here are just a few of the photos...
Last week in assembly, the girls from Year 1,2 and 4 presented Tiny Hearts with a cheque for the money they raised in school. Everyone listened really well to how the money would be spent!
The children really enjoyed receiving their certificates and the school certificate is proudly displayed in our entrance.
Things to look out for next week...
Tuesday is our transition day. All classes will spend the morning with their new teacher.
Our Year 6 children are out on transition on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Week ending 22nd June 2018
This week, classes spent time considering what makes a safe school as part of our work on the Send My Friend to School project. Some older classes also looked at how children around the world go to school and the challenges they face. Below are some examples of the work completed which we are sending to our local MP in the hope they remind the Prime Minister of the promise made to ensure that all children should get the chance to go to school.
Year 5 had a fun filled afternoon baking on Thursday. They read recipes in German and translated them, converted measurements from pounds and ounces to grams and then made beautiful turtle shaped biscuits. They looked amazing!
Some children from Key Stage 2 represented the school at an athletics event on Friday. The Year 3 won their year group and we came 4th overall. Well done everyone.
Things to look out for next week...
Next week is Art Week! Classes will be looking at different artists and producing a variety of art work Monday-Thursday. Parents are invited in school on Thursday at 3pm to see all the hard work!
The girls football team have a tournament on Monday.
Next Friday is our World Cup day. Children are allowed to come to school in any football kit/sporty outfit for the day. Classes will be completing work based on different countries.
Week ending 15th June 2018
It's been a very busy week this week! Nursery, Reception+KS1 and KS2 all managed to complete their sports days this week. Everyone really enjoyed it and the children had lots of fun. A small selection of photos can be seen below...
The Year 5+6 Cricketers were fantastic at a local cricket tournament and sailed through into the next round. Well done everyone!
Some children took part in a Rugby tournament last week and although they didn't win, they really enjoyed taking part.
A group of Year 6 children took part in a Golf competition today and came 5th - well done!
The turtles, sponsored by the Year 5 girls and their class, have arrived! Well done everyone for supporting our adoption of these 3 animals.
Things to look out for next week...
All classes will be taking part in Send My Friend to School activities (as detailed in our latest newsletter).
Week ending 8th June 2018
KS1 and KS2 enjoyed a performance from the Momotheatre group on Tuesday. We had the free show for achieving the Silver Modeshift Travel Award this year. The show was about using the cars less and finding safe, alternative ways to get to school. The shows were very funny and hopefully the children will remember the important messages too!
Year 6 experienced some specialist cricket coaching this week. Here are just some of the photos that were taken...
Congratulations to the girls in Year 5 who made £111.76 selling their delicious buns at playtimes. They have raised enough money to adopt 3 turtles - we will post a picture of their certificates when they arrive. The girls in Year 4 and 2 raised £245.49 for Tiny Hearts charity and Jump Primary School through selling their homemade bows, bath bombs etc. We are hoping to have a picture of them passing over the money soon. Well done to both groups and thank you to everyone who bought something!
Things to look out for next week...
We have our sports days next week (weather permitting!). Nursery is on Tuesday, KS1 Wednesday and KS2 Thursday.
Week ending 25th May 2018
Unfortunately the girls football tournament was cancelled due to the weather. A new date will be arranged soon!
Groups of girls in various classes have been very busy this week selling homemade items on stalls. We will reveal how much they have raised for their various charities after the half term. Thank you to everyone who bought a bun, a hair clip, crayons etc. It is very much appreciated!
We have been successful in our Tesco Bags of Help scheme and have won the most votes at the local Tesco store! Thank you to everyone who posted a token into our box. We will update you on when to see the new resources in the outdoor areas in Nursery, Reception and Year 1.
You may have noticed a piano in the school entrance. This has been a kind gift to school from Adam Slater as a thank you for the fundraising we did for the meningitis now charity. We have special plans in place for the piano - more details to follow soon!
Things to look out for after the half term...
A reminder that Monday 4th June is an INSET day.
On Tuesday KS1 and KS2 have a theatre performance to look forward to on road safety. We have been given the performance for free for achieving the Silver Modeshift Travel Award this year.
Week ending 18th May 2018
The children in Year 2 and 6 have worked particularly hard this week on their SATs (Year 2 have a bit more to do next week). We are very proud of them and couldn't ask them to do more - they gave it everything! Well done everyone!
Ms Oglanby chose the last day of SATs as her time to retire. She has worked at the school for 18 years teaching classes and delivering booster sessions. We hope she enjoyed her gifts and cake and wish her a long and happy retirement!
We finished the week with our Prince and Princesses day. Radio Sheffield came to speak to some of our Year 2 pupils and speak to Mrs Pettiger about going to the Royal Wedding tomorrow. We hope she enjoys her special day and have told her to take lots of photos. The classes enjoyed a special lunch provided by the kitchen and completed a variety of games and activities during the day. Year 5 and 6 played a rounders competition in the afternoon and Year 1,2 and 4 played royal games on the field.