Behaviour Policy
Jump Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children in line with the Equality Act 2010 and current safeguarding and SEN/D practices. Staff and Governors believe that there should be a positive, consistent and supportive approach to behaviour, based upon agreed, explicit values and high expectations. This is fundamental to the social, academic, cultural and moral development of all our pupils. We focus on supporting pupils to build the skills for positive behaviours and attitudes which in turn enable a culture of successful learning and mutual respect. This is a crucial part of education which provides the building blocks for developing positive attitudes and relationships in order to enable our pupils to grow up in a global community. We feel our positive behaviour strategies incorporate the ethos of our school and our attitude towards behaviour.
We believe that behaviour is centred on three basic rights:
o The right to learn.
o The right to be safe and feel happy.
o The right to feel respected.
The rules that we refer to and underpin our ethos are:
o Be resilient
o Be respectful
o Be responsible
Pupils are taught that these rules protect our rights to be safe, learn and be treated with respect. These values form the core of our behaviour policy and promote a positive attitude to behaviour both within and beyond the school gates.