Please click on the link below for the SEND offer from Barnsley LA.
At Jump Primary School we believe every child to be an important and valuable member of our school family who each has their own unique talents, traits and needs. It is our belief that an inclusive, nurturing and loving environment will provide children with SEND to not only develop academically but also to thrive as talented individuals. We believe the best possible way to achieve this is a unified approach through which children, parents and school staff work in hand in hand to ensure that all SEND needs are correctly identified, managed and supported in order that children are able to excel as learners. We believe every child has a right to access a curriculum that is tailored to meet their own individual needs whilst at the same ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum 2013.
The school works in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014) and the Equality Act (2010). A copy of the school SEN Policy and Equality Policy is available for parents.
The SEND coordinator is Miss Cooper
The SEND Governor is Mrs Taylor
The Senior Leader SEND advocate is Miss Clark
What is a special educational need?
The SEN code of practice 2014 states that a child or young person has SEN is they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made:.
‘ A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or - has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilitates of a kind generally provided for others of the same age by mainstream schools or mainstream post 16 institutions
For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools, maintained nursery schools, mainstream post-16 institutions or by relevant early years providers.
SEND Code of Practice, June 2014
What is a disability?
WHAT IS A DISABILITY? The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. A physical or mental impairment includes: learning difficulties including specific learning difficulties; medical conditions including epilepsy, diabetes, more severe forms of asthma and eczema; autism; speech, language and communication impairments. If the impairment has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities it may amount to a disability.
What is Jump Schools approach to teaching children with SEND?
At Jump Primary provision for children with additional needs is provided at three levels (waves). These are: Wave 1 This refers to high quality differentiated teaching provided by teachers in class. The needs of most children can be met in this way with small group focus teaching provided by the teacher and other teaching support staff in class. Wave 2 Some children require additional support, usually in small groups. This may be used to pre-teach learning, support children in consolidating learning or identify gaps in a child’s learning with more targeted support. This provision is provided through a graduated approach which is carefully targeted to the needs of the children. Wave 3 A small proportion of children require support over and above that provided at waves 1&2. This support is usually provided on a 1:1 basis; it is highly targeted and is usually based on advice from other professionals e.g. the school’s educational psychologist.
The support that each child with SEND receives is tailored to be specific to their own unique needs, it is identified through an Individual Needs Analysis and provision map which details provision and types of support/ modifications and adaptation to the curriculum in order to deliver identified outcomes for a child .
How does Jump Primary School identify children with SEND?
Early identification – where a child is experiencing difficulties in engaging with the normal classroom curriculum we believe that early identification is key.
Class teachers meet with the SENDCO termly to discuss pupils in class however, if a teacher has a concern about a child they may alert the SENDCo at any time during the academic year. In addition teachers meet regularly with the Head teacher - who is also the SEND advocate - through pupil progress meetings as part of the schools assessment monitoring and pupil tracking .
Discussion will follow to gather further evidence as to what difficulties’ the child is experiencing and parents will be contacted. Observation of the child and work scrutiny may follow, a needs analysis may be completed.
Parents may also raise concerns and meet with the class teacher and or SENDCO to discuss these.
The child will be placed on the SEND register within school if they require support that is additional to and different from the rest of their peer group.
If appropriate and with parental permission the child will be referred to outside agencies for further advice and support in identification of need e.g. speech and language, educational psychology, social communication interaction teams. If a child is placed on the SEND register then parents will be invited to review their support and progress with the SENDCO at least 3 times a year.
How are the needs of children with SEND assessed and progress monitored?
We believe effective reviewing and assessment of your child’s needs to be vital in order to ensure your child experiences successful continuity and progression. It is through assessments of needs and reviewing of progress that we are able to identify barriers to learning, plan strategies to address these and provide opportunities for further development to take place. This occurs as part of the assess-plan-do-review provision.
Parents Evening – These take place x3, 1 per term and provide an opportunity for you and the class teacher to discuss any areas of concern and celebrate successes.
Termly review of SEND with the Special needs coordinator - This will allow parents and the SENDCO to discuss progress, outcomes and impact as well as next steps in their individual support. Pupils can be taken off the SEND register at any time should they no longer require support that is additional to or different from their peers. Assessment is an ongoing process. There are 3 termly assessments - carried out by the class teacher to monitor the progress made in each curriculum area.
Pupil Progress Meetings – take place once per term. The Head teacher and the class teacher track the progress made by individual children and then discuss in detail next steps in attainment and the strategies and interventions that will take place to ensure this.
The support of the Educational Psychologist may be required as part of the assessment process, whereby children are able to receive specialist cognitive assessments. Specialist services may be required to carry out specific assessments for children with difficulties in speech, communication and interaction, physical and sensory needs as well as social, emotional and behavioural needs.
Only in a very small number of cases will, a child’s needs be such that a greater level of support is required. In these circumstances, schools can, with the support of parents, request that the local authority undertake a statutory assessment of the child’s needs.
The school gathers together information relating to the child’s needs, strategies that have already been implemented and resources used, the impact of strategies & resources, the views of parents, pupil, school staff and professionals relating to the above. This information is then submitted to the local authority. Further information relating to the process and the local authority’s SEND Offer can be found at:
What should I do if I think that my child may have SEND?
If you feel that your child has needs that require you to seek further advice and support you should contact: Class teacher This is usually the first point of contact. Class teachers are available to speak to you at the end of the school day and are happy to answer questions regarding your child’s attainment, overall progress and any specific concerns that you may have. Following this the class teacher will liaise with the SENDCO and will usually monitor your child’s development with a view to identify any patterns of difficulties, barriers to learning as well as looking at areas of strength and interest in which to use a basis to further engage your child and ensure that self confidence and self-esteem are nurtured.
At this point, dependent on the needs of the child, the class teacher or SENDCO may wish to speak directly with your child regarding their own views and any difficulties that they feel that they experience.
SENDCO Miss Cooper will gladly speak with you to discuss any issues or concerns that you have regarding your child. The SENDCO is able to offer support and advice specific to the needs of your child.
Headteacher Miss Clark works closely with Miss Cooper to ensure that she has an in depth and up to date knowledge of the individual needs of all SEND children in Jump Primary.
What training and expertise do staff have in supporting children with SEND?
The school has access to a wide range of interventions and resources to support children with varying needs through resources to support quality first teaching, small group work and more personalised support plans. Staff are trained to deliver these within school as well as ongoing continual professional development programs to support quality first teaching strategies. Support that is additional to and different from a child’s peers is detailed on a provision map for a child, training is linked accordingly. A whole school provision map is available to view detailing the different types of support we have available in school on parental request.
Which additional external professionals are available to work alongside the school in supporting children with SEND?
In some situations, school staff may feel that additional support and advice is required from outside professionals; this is always done in consultation with parents. The school may refer for advice and support from a wide range of professional services including: Speech & Language Therapy, Educational Psychology Service, Inclusion Support Services, School Nurse & Health Visitors, Paediatric Therapy, Social Communication and Interaction Team, Specialist provision schools within the borough and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. |
How are children with SEND supported socially and emotionally?
It is of the highest importance that children attending Jump Primary School learn in a safe and nurturing environment in which they feel comfortable and are able to view themselves as worthy, valuable members of the school community. We aim to support individual social and emotional development through: - Providing quality first teaching strategies that strive for all pupils to be fully engaged in learning at all times using a variety of SEND friendly approaches. - Delivery of a weekly PSHE and or SEAL sessions based upon promoting positive social, emotional and behavioural development. - PSA (Parent Support Advisor) – time allocated to carry out small group or 1-1 support to talk through anxieties and worries - Additional 1-1 adult and peer support when and where necessary. - Links to specialist outside agencies including CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and BSS (Behaviour Support Services), School Nurse, MIND services and Health Visitor.
How accessible is the Jump Primary School Environment?
Jump Primary School works in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Disability Act 2010. We are reflective in our approach to ensuring we are able to meet the needs of individuals who have access requirements. We are currently equipped with: - ramp access to the school building - wide doors throughout the main access points within the building - toilets adapted for disabled users - a lift providing access to the first floor of the building - evac chairs available for emergency use
How are children with SEND supported during transition?
At Jump Primary School we believe that transitions play an important part in your child’s development. We plan detailed transitions for children with SEND to ensure that these are as smooth and effective as possible. We believe the key to a successful transition to be careful planning, preparation and partnership with parents, staff and all other agencies involved.
Transition between classes There will be a transition meeting between existing class teacher, new teacher, CSA and SENDCO. Needs analysis and provision maps will be reviewed, updated and shared for the next class teacher. Current academic levels will be shared and point progress throughout the academic year highlighted. Any copies of specialist advice and assessments will be discussed with staff. Pupils have an opportunity to spend time in their new classes and with their new teachers, additional time may be organised for some SEND pupils where appropriate in order to support them in building relationships with key staff or familiarising themselves with their new learning environment.
Transition to KS3 Provision A transition meeting will held between the Jump SENDCO and the SENDCO of the Secondary provider. Transition plans will be completed by the Jump SENDCO and given to KS3 SENDCO. Dates will be arranged for the child to attend the secondary school on visits (additional visits arranged if necessary but are common for SEND pupils) Where required SEND staff from KS3 school are invited to visit Jump School to familiarise with SEND children and answer any questions that the children may have.
Where can the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Local Offer be located?
WHO CAN I CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? School has an open door policy and any member of staff will be willing to discuss your child. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher, the school SENDCO, Miss Cooper or Headteacher, Miss Clark.
Further information on SEND can be found at
Barnsley’s Local Offer detailing access to services for SEND can be found at:
The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.
BMBC Local Offer is available from the website:
Review Framework
This report will be reviewed annually.
Signed: Miss G Clark Head Teacher Date: 9.9.21
Signed: Miss G Cooper SENDCO Date: 9.9.21
Review Date: Sept 2022
Please click on the link below for the SEND offer from Barnsley LA.
At Jump Primary School we believe every child to be an important and valuable member of our school family who each has their own unique talents, traits and needs. It is our belief that an inclusive, nurturing and loving environment will provide children with SEND to not only develop academically but also to thrive as talented individuals. We believe the best possible way to achieve this is a unified approach through which children, parents and school staff work in hand in hand to ensure that all SEND needs are correctly identified, managed and supported in order that children are able to excel as learners. We believe every child has a right to access a curriculum that is tailored to meet their own individual needs whilst at the same ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum 2013.
The school works in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014) and the Equality Act (2010). A copy of the school SEN Policy and Equality Policy is available for parents.
The SEND coordinator is Miss Cooper
The SEND Governor is Mrs Taylor
The Senior Leader SEND advocate is Miss Clark
What is a special educational need?
The SEN code of practice 2014 states that a child or young person has SEN is they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made:.
‘ A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or - has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilitates of a kind generally provided for others of the same age by mainstream schools or mainstream post 16 institutions
For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools, maintained nursery schools, mainstream post-16 institutions or by relevant early years providers.
SEND Code of Practice, June 2014
What is a disability?
WHAT IS A DISABILITY? The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. A physical or mental impairment includes: learning difficulties including specific learning difficulties; medical conditions including epilepsy, diabetes, more severe forms of asthma and eczema; autism; speech, language and communication impairments. If the impairment has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities it may amount to a disability.
What is Jump Schools approach to teaching children with SEND?
At Jump Primary provision for children with additional needs is provided at three levels (waves). These are: Wave 1 This refers to high quality differentiated teaching provided by teachers in class. The needs of most children can be met in this way with small group focus teaching provided by the teacher and other teaching support staff in class. Wave 2 Some children require additional support, usually in small groups. This may be used to pre-teach learning, support children in consolidating learning or identify gaps in a child’s learning with more targeted support. This provision is provided through a graduated approach which is carefully targeted to the needs of the children. Wave 3 A small proportion of children require support over and above that provided at waves 1&2. This support is usually provided on a 1:1 basis; it is highly targeted and is usually based on advice from other professionals e.g. the school’s educational psychologist.
The support that each child with SEND receives is tailored to be specific to their own unique needs, it is identified through an Individual Needs Analysis and provision map which details provision and types of support/ modifications and adaptation to the curriculum in order to deliver identified outcomes for a child .
How does Jump Primary School identify children with SEND?
Early identification – where a child is experiencing difficulties in engaging with the normal classroom curriculum we believe that early identification is key.
Class teachers meet with the SENDCO termly to discuss pupils in class however, if a teacher has a concern about a child they may alert the SENDCo at any time during the academic year. In addition teachers meet regularly with the Head teacher - who is also the SEND advocate - through pupil progress meetings as part of the schools assessment monitoring and pupil tracking .
Discussion will follow to gather further evidence as to what difficulties’ the child is experiencing and parents will be contacted. Observation of the child and work scrutiny may follow, a needs analysis may be completed.
Parents may also raise concerns and meet with the class teacher and or SENDCO to discuss these.
The child will be placed on the SEND register within school if they require support that is additional to and different from the rest of their peer group.
If appropriate and with parental permission the child will be referred to outside agencies for further advice and support in identification of need e.g. speech and language, educational psychology, social communication interaction teams. If a child is placed on the SEND register then parents will be invited to review their support and progress with the SENDCO at least 3 times a year.
How are the needs of children with SEND assessed and progress monitored?
We believe effective reviewing and assessment of your child’s needs to be vital in order to ensure your child experiences successful continuity and progression. It is through assessments of needs and reviewing of progress that we are able to identify barriers to learning, plan strategies to address these and provide opportunities for further development to take place. This occurs as part of the assess-plan-do-review provision.
Parents Evening – These take place x3, 1 per term and provide an opportunity for you and the class teacher to discuss any areas of concern and celebrate successes.
Termly review of SEND with the Special needs coordinator - This will allow parents and the SENDCO to discuss progress, outcomes and impact as well as next steps in their individual support. Pupils can be taken off the SEND register at any time should they no longer require support that is additional to or different from their peers. Assessment is an ongoing process. There are 3 termly assessments - carried out by the class teacher to monitor the progress made in each curriculum area.
Pupil Progress Meetings – take place once per term. The Head teacher and the class teacher track the progress made by individual children and then discuss in detail next steps in attainment and the strategies and interventions that will take place to ensure this.
The support of the Educational Psychologist may be required as part of the assessment process, whereby children are able to receive specialist cognitive assessments. Specialist services may be required to carry out specific assessments for children with difficulties in speech, communication and interaction, physical and sensory needs as well as social, emotional and behavioural needs.
Only in a very small number of cases will, a child’s needs be such that a greater level of support is required. In these circumstances, schools can, with the support of parents, request that the local authority undertake a statutory assessment of the child’s needs.
The school gathers together information relating to the child’s needs, strategies that have already been implemented and resources used, the impact of strategies & resources, the views of parents, pupil, school staff and professionals relating to the above. This information is then submitted to the local authority. Further information relating to the process and the local authority’s SEND Offer can be found at:
What should I do if I think that my child may have SEND?
If you feel that your child has needs that require you to seek further advice and support you should contact: Class teacher This is usually the first point of contact. Class teachers are available to speak to you at the end of the school day and are happy to answer questions regarding your child’s attainment, overall progress and any specific concerns that you may have. Following this the class teacher will liaise with the SENDCO and will usually monitor your child’s development with a view to identify any patterns of difficulties, barriers to learning as well as looking at areas of strength and interest in which to use a basis to further engage your child and ensure that self confidence and self-esteem are nurtured.
At this point, dependent on the needs of the child, the class teacher or SENDCO may wish to speak directly with your child regarding their own views and any difficulties that they feel that they experience.
SENDCO Miss Cooper will gladly speak with you to discuss any issues or concerns that you have regarding your child. The SENDCO is able to offer support and advice specific to the needs of your child.
Headteacher Miss Clark works closely with Miss Cooper to ensure that she has an in depth and up to date knowledge of the individual needs of all SEND children in Jump Primary.
What training and expertise do staff have in supporting children with SEND?
The school has access to a wide range of interventions and resources to support children with varying needs through resources to support quality first teaching, small group work and more personalised support plans. Staff are trained to deliver these within school as well as ongoing continual professional development programs to support quality first teaching strategies. Support that is additional to and different from a child’s peers is detailed on a provision map for a child, training is linked accordingly. A whole school provision map is available to view detailing the different types of support we have available in school on parental request.
Which additional external professionals are available to work alongside the school in supporting children with SEND?
In some situations, school staff may feel that additional support and advice is required from outside professionals; this is always done in consultation with parents. The school may refer for advice and support from a wide range of professional services including: Speech & Language Therapy, Educational Psychology Service, Inclusion Support Services, School Nurse & Health Visitors, Paediatric Therapy, Social Communication and Interaction Team, Specialist provision schools within the borough and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. |
How are children with SEND supported socially and emotionally?
It is of the highest importance that children attending Jump Primary School learn in a safe and nurturing environment in which they feel comfortable and are able to view themselves as worthy, valuable members of the school community. We aim to support individual social and emotional development through: - Providing quality first teaching strategies that strive for all pupils to be fully engaged in learning at all times using a variety of SEND friendly approaches. - Delivery of a weekly PSHE and or SEAL sessions based upon promoting positive social, emotional and behavioural development. - PSA (Parent Support Advisor) – time allocated to carry out small group or 1-1 support to talk through anxieties and worries - Additional 1-1 adult and peer support when and where necessary. - Links to specialist outside agencies including CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and BSS (Behaviour Support Services), School Nurse, MIND services and Health Visitor.
How accessible is the Jump Primary School Environment?
Jump Primary School works in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Disability Act 2010. We are reflective in our approach to ensuring we are able to meet the needs of individuals who have access requirements. We are currently equipped with: - ramp access to the school building - wide doors throughout the main access points within the building - toilets adapted for disabled users - a lift providing access to the first floor of the building - evac chairs available for emergency use
How are children with SEND supported during transition?
At Jump Primary School we believe that transitions play an important part in your child’s development. We plan detailed transitions for children with SEND to ensure that these are as smooth and effective as possible. We believe the key to a successful transition to be careful planning, preparation and partnership with parents, staff and all other agencies involved.
Transition between classes There will be a transition meeting between existing class teacher, new teacher, CSA and SENDCO. Needs analysis and provision maps will be reviewed, updated and shared for the next class teacher. Current academic levels will be shared and point progress throughout the academic year highlighted. Any copies of specialist advice and assessments will be discussed with staff. Pupils have an opportunity to spend time in their new classes and with their new teachers, additional time may be organised for some SEND pupils where appropriate in order to support them in building relationships with key staff or familiarising themselves with their new learning environment.
Transition to KS3 Provision A transition meeting will held between the Jump SENDCO and the SENDCO of the Secondary provider. Transition plans will be completed by the Jump SENDCO and given to KS3 SENDCO. Dates will be arranged for the child to attend the secondary school on visits (additional visits arranged if necessary but are common for SEND pupils) Where required SEND staff from KS3 school are invited to visit Jump School to familiarise with SEND children and answer any questions that the children may have.
Where can the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Local Offer be located?
WHO CAN I CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? School has an open door policy and any member of staff will be willing to discuss your child. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher, the school SENDCO, Miss Cooper or Headteacher, Miss Clark.
Further information on SEND can be found at
Barnsley’s Local Offer detailing access to services for SEND can be found at:
The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.
BMBC Local Offer is available from the website:
Review Framework
This report will be reviewed annually.
Signed: Miss G Clark Head Teacher Date: 9.9.21
Signed: Miss G Cooper SENDCO Date: 9.9.21
Review Date: Sept 2022
Please click on the link below for the SEND offer from Barnsley LA.
At Jump Primary School we believe every child to be an important and valuable member of our school family who each has their own unique talents, traits and needs. It is our belief that an inclusive, nurturing and loving environment will provide children with SEND to not only develop academically but also to thrive as talented individuals. We believe the best possible way to achieve this is a unified approach through which children, parents and school staff work in hand in hand to ensure that all SEND needs are correctly identified, managed and supported in order that children are able to excel as learners. We believe every child has a right to access a curriculum that is tailored to meet their own individual needs whilst at the same ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum 2013.
The school works in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014) and the Equality Act (2010). A copy of the school SEN Policy and Equality Policy is available for parents.
The SEND coordinator is Miss Cooper
The SEND Governor is Mrs Taylor
The Senior Leader SEND advocate is Miss Clark
What is a special educational need?
The SEN code of practice 2014 states that a child or young person has SEN is they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made:.
‘ A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or - has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilitates of a kind generally provided for others of the same age by mainstream schools or mainstream post 16 institutions
For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools, maintained nursery schools, mainstream post-16 institutions or by relevant early years providers.
SEND Code of Practice, June 2014
What is a disability?
WHAT IS A DISABILITY? The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. A physical or mental impairment includes: learning difficulties including specific learning difficulties; medical conditions including epilepsy, diabetes, more severe forms of asthma and eczema; autism; speech, language and communication impairments. If the impairment has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities it may amount to a disability.
What is Jump Schools approach to teaching children with SEND?
At Jump Primary provision for children with additional needs is provided at three levels (waves). These are: Wave 1 This refers to high quality differentiated teaching provided by teachers in class. The needs of most children can be met in this way with small group focus teaching provided by the teacher and other teaching support staff in class. Wave 2 Some children require additional support, usually in small groups. This may be used to pre-teach learning, support children in consolidating learning or identify gaps in a child’s learning with more targeted support. This provision is provided through a graduated approach which is carefully targeted to the needs of the children. Wave 3 A small proportion of children require support over and above that provided at waves 1&2. This support is usually provided on a 1:1 basis; it is highly targeted and is usually based on advice from other professionals e.g. the school’s educational psychologist.
The support that each child with SEND receives is tailored to be specific to their own unique needs, it is identified through an Individual Needs Analysis and provision map which details provision and types of support/ modifications and adaptation to the curriculum in order to deliver identified outcomes for a child .
How does Jump Primary School identify children with SEND?
Early identification – where a child is experiencing difficulties in engaging with the normal classroom curriculum we believe that early identification is key.
Class teachers meet with the SENDCO termly to discuss pupils in class however, if a teacher has a concern about a child they may alert the SENDCo at any time during the academic year. In addition teachers meet regularly with the Head teacher - who is also the SEND advocate - through pupil progress meetings as part of the schools assessment monitoring and pupil tracking .
Discussion will follow to gather further evidence as to what difficulties’ the child is experiencing and parents will be contacted. Observation of the child and work scrutiny may follow, a needs analysis may be completed.
Parents may also raise concerns and meet with the class teacher and or SENDCO to discuss these.
The child will be placed on the SEND register within school if they require support that is additional to and different from the rest of their peer group.
If appropriate and with parental permission the child will be referred to outside agencies for further advice and support in identification of need e.g. speech and language, educational psychology, social communication interaction teams. If a child is placed on the SEND register then parents will be invited to review their support and progress with the SENDCO at least 3 times a year.
How are the needs of children with SEND assessed and progress monitored?
We believe effective reviewing and assessment of your child’s needs to be vital in order to ensure your child experiences successful continuity and progression. It is through assessments of needs and reviewing of progress that we are able to identify barriers to learning, plan strategies to address these and provide opportunities for further development to take place. This occurs as part of the assess-plan-do-review provision.
Parents Evening – These take place x3, 1 per term and provide an opportunity for you and the class teacher to discuss any areas of concern and celebrate successes.
Termly review of SEND with the Special needs coordinator - This will allow parents and the SENDCO to discuss progress, outcomes and impact as well as next steps in their individual support. Pupils can be taken off the SEND register at any time should they no longer require support that is additional to or different from their peers. Assessment is an ongoing process. There are 3 termly assessments - carried out by the class teacher to monitor the progress made in each curriculum area.
Pupil Progress Meetings – take place once per term. The Head teacher and the class teacher track the progress made by individual children and then discuss in detail next steps in attainment and the strategies and interventions that will take place to ensure this.
The support of the Educational Psychologist may be required as part of the assessment process, whereby children are able to receive specialist cognitive assessments. Specialist services may be required to carry out specific assessments for children with difficulties in speech, communication and interaction, physical and sensory needs as well as social, emotional and behavioural needs.
Only in a very small number of cases will, a child’s needs be such that a greater level of support is required. In these circumstances, schools can, with the support of parents, request that the local authority undertake a statutory assessment of the child’s needs.
The school gathers together information relating to the child’s needs, strategies that have already been implemented and resources used, the impact of strategies & resources, the views of parents, pupil, school staff and professionals relating to the above. This information is then submitted to the local authority. Further information relating to the process and the local authority’s SEND Offer can be found at:
What should I do if I think that my child may have SEND?
If you feel that your child has needs that require you to seek further advice and support you should contact: Class teacher This is usually the first point of contact. Class teachers are available to speak to you at the end of the school day and are happy to answer questions regarding your child’s attainment, overall progress and any specific concerns that you may have. Following this the class teacher will liaise with the SENDCO and will usually monitor your child’s development with a view to identify any patterns of difficulties, barriers to learning as well as looking at areas of strength and interest in which to use a basis to further engage your child and ensure that self confidence and self-esteem are nurtured.
At this point, dependent on the needs of the child, the class teacher or SENDCO may wish to speak directly with your child regarding their own views and any difficulties that they feel that they experience.
SENDCO Miss Cooper will gladly speak with you to discuss any issues or concerns that you have regarding your child. The SENDCO is able to offer support and advice specific to the needs of your child.
Headteacher Miss Clark works closely with Miss Cooper to ensure that she has an in depth and up to date knowledge of the individual needs of all SEND children in Jump Primary.
What training and expertise do staff have in supporting children with SEND?
The school has access to a wide range of interventions and resources to support children with varying needs through resources to support quality first teaching, small group work and more personalised support plans. Staff are trained to deliver these within school as well as ongoing continual professional development programs to support quality first teaching strategies. Support that is additional to and different from a child’s peers is detailed on a provision map for a child, training is linked accordingly. A whole school provision map is available to view detailing the different types of support we have available in school on parental request.
Which additional external professionals are available to work alongside the school in supporting children with SEND?
In some situations, school staff may feel that additional support and advice is required from outside professionals; this is always done in consultation with parents. The school may refer for advice and support from a wide range of professional services including: Speech & Language Therapy, Educational Psychology Service, Inclusion Support Services, School Nurse & Health Visitors, Paediatric Therapy, Social Communication and Interaction Team, Specialist provision schools within the borough and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. |
How are children with SEND supported socially and emotionally?
It is of the highest importance that children attending Jump Primary School learn in a safe and nurturing environment in which they feel comfortable and are able to view themselves as worthy, valuable members of the school community. We aim to support individual social and emotional development through: - Providing quality first teaching strategies that strive for all pupils to be fully engaged in learning at all times using a variety of SEND friendly approaches. - Delivery of a weekly PSHE and or SEAL sessions based upon promoting positive social, emotional and behavioural development. - PSA (Parent Support Advisor) – time allocated to carry out small group or 1-1 support to talk through anxieties and worries - Additional 1-1 adult and peer support when and where necessary. - Links to specialist outside agencies including CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and BSS (Behaviour Support Services), School Nurse, MIND services and Health Visitor.
How accessible is the Jump Primary School Environment?
Jump Primary School works in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Disability Act 2010. We are reflective in our approach to ensuring we are able to meet the needs of individuals who have access requirements. We are currently equipped with: - ramp access to the school building - wide doors throughout the main access points within the building - toilets adapted for disabled users - a lift providing access to the first floor of the building - evac chairs available for emergency use
How are children with SEND supported during transition?
At Jump Primary School we believe that transitions play an important part in your child’s development. We plan detailed transitions for children with SEND to ensure that these are as smooth and effective as possible. We believe the key to a successful transition to be careful planning, preparation and partnership with parents, staff and all other agencies involved.
Transition between classes There will be a transition meeting between existing class teacher, new teacher, CSA and SENDCO. Needs analysis and provision maps will be reviewed, updated and shared for the next class teacher. Current academic levels will be shared and point progress throughout the academic year highlighted. Any copies of specialist advice and assessments will be discussed with staff. Pupils have an opportunity to spend time in their new classes and with their new teachers, additional time may be organised for some SEND pupils where appropriate in order to support them in building relationships with key staff or familiarising themselves with their new learning environment.
Transition to KS3 Provision A transition meeting will held between the Jump SENDCO and the SENDCO of the Secondary provider. Transition plans will be completed by the Jump SENDCO and given to KS3 SENDCO. Dates will be arranged for the child to attend the secondary school on visits (additional visits arranged if necessary but are common for SEND pupils) Where required SEND staff from KS3 school are invited to visit Jump School to familiarise with SEND children and answer any questions that the children may have.
Where can the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Local Offer be located?
WHO CAN I CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? School has an open door policy and any member of staff will be willing to discuss your child. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher, the school SENDCO, Miss Cooper or Headteacher, Miss Clark.
Further information on SEND can be found at
Barnsley’s Local Offer detailing access to services for SEND can be found at:
The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.
BMBC Local Offer is available from the website:
Review Framework
This report will be reviewed annually.
Signed: Miss G Clark Head Teacher Date: 9.9.21
Signed: Miss G Cooper SENDCO Date: 9.9.21
Review Date: Sept 2022