Welcome to Year Two!

Year 2 is taught by Mrs Baker and Mrs Jacques.

Important Information About Year Two!

  • Spellings are set on Spelling Shed every Friday - https://www.edshed.com/en-gb
  • Log in to Maths Shed too to complete extra tasks linked to our learning in class.
  • Homework is set on a Friday - to be returned the following Friday - feedback will be given in the form of stickers, comments and smiley faces.
  • Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays - children will need an appropriate kit for both indoors and outdoors.
  • Children are invited to take books home from the class library to read for pleasure as they wish.
  • Children will be listened to read during Read Write Inc groups, daily, in school- Books will be changed every three days. Remember - there are extra prizes available for reading at home!
  • Book bags need to be brought to school every day because we read all together every morning.
  • Projects are set every half term, except in Summer 1. 

To find out more about our classroom and the work that we do, click on the 'Communications' tab and view our school Facebook page.


Autumn 2024

We made an absolutely fabulous start to life in Year 2 - settling in quickly and learning all about our 3 golden rules - being resposible, being resilient and being respectful. Every day, we try our very best to follow these rules, in everything that we do.

Our Autumn term started with an art unit called - Colour Chaos. We learned many different painting skills by looking at the artists - Piet Mandrian, Mark Rothko, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky. We learned all about using different primary colours, tones, tints, warm and cool colours and the importance of evaluating our work and using our new skills to create a masterpiece.

In our English lessons, we learned to write sentences using full stops and capital letters and began to think about using question marks and exclamation marks too. Together, we read A Squash and A Squeeze and The Great Kapok Tree. We love reading!

Our Maths lessons have included a 'Flashback 4' quiz to check our prior learning and then we have really understood place value in 2-digit numbers. We can use a number line, order numbers and compare numbers too. As Olivia says, we are 'smashing our maths work!'

Welcome to Year Two!

Year 2 is taught by Mrs Baker and Mrs Jacques.

Important Information About Year Two!

  • Spellings are set on Spelling Shed every Friday - https://www.edshed.com/en-gb
  • Log in to Maths Shed too to complete extra tasks linked to our learning in class.
  • Homework is set on a Friday - to be returned the following Friday - feedback will be given in the form of stickers, comments and smiley faces.
  • Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays - children will need an appropriate kit for both indoors and outdoors.
  • Children are invited to take books home from the class library to read for pleasure as they wish.
  • Children will be listened to read during Read Write Inc groups, daily, in school- Books will be changed every three days. Remember - there are extra prizes available for reading at home!
  • Book bags need to be brought to school every day because we read all together every morning.
  • Projects are set every half term, except in Summer 1. 

To find out more about our classroom and the work that we do, click on the 'Communications' tab and view our school Facebook page.


Autumn 2024

We made an absolutely fabulous start to life in Year 2 - settling in quickly and learning all about our 3 golden rules - being resposible, being resilient and being respectful. Every day, we try our very best to follow these rules, in everything that we do.

Our Autumn term started with an art unit called - Colour Chaos. We learned many different painting skills by looking at the artists - Piet Mandrian, Mark Rothko, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky. We learned all about using different primary colours, tones, tints, warm and cool colours and the importance of evaluating our work and using our new skills to create a masterpiece.

In our English lessons, we learned to write sentences using full stops and capital letters and began to think about using question marks and exclamation marks too. Together, we read A Squash and A Squeeze and The Great Kapok Tree. We love reading!

Our Maths lessons have included a 'Flashback 4' quiz to check our prior learning and then we have really understood place value in 2-digit numbers. We can use a number line, order numbers and compare numbers too. As Olivia says, we are 'smashing our maths work!'