Assessment Principles

We believe that effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. We give our children regular feedback on their learning (and also involve them in evaluating their learning for themselves) so that they understand what it is that they need to do better. This allows us to base our planning on a detailed knowledge of each pupil. We give parents regular reports on their child’s progress so that teachers, children and parents are all working together to raise standards for all our children.



In EYFS, children are assessed on entry to Nursery by the class teacher using the Early Years Curriculum. This gives the teacher a ‘baseline’ from which progress throughout their time in Nursery is based. The Nursery baseline scores can then be analysed and reported providing a picture of the cohort as a whole, different groups of children as well as individual children. Results are discussed at length with the EYFS co-ordinator and the assessment co-ordinator. Assessments then continue termly. Data is inputted into the schools tracking system (Eazmag) and this is analysed by the EYFS lead. Meetings are held to discuss the data with the class teacher and Headteacher. Planning is based on the gaps in the assessments.

Children are assessed within the first 6 weeks of Reception by the class teacher using the Early Years Curriculum. This gives the teacher a ‘baseline’ from which progress throughout their time in Reception is based. The schools baseline scores can then be analysed and reported providing a picture of the cohort as a whole, different groups of children as well as individual children. Assessments then continue termly and data is inputted into the schools tracking system. This data is analysed by the EYFS lead to monitor progress and predict outcomes at the end of EYFS. Meetings are held to discuss the data with the class teacher and Headteacher. Planning is based on the gaps in the assessments.

At the end of Reception, children are assessed using the Foundation Stage Profile (FSP). Teaching in EYFS is based on children’s needs and interests and follows the EYFS curriculum.

Year 1-6

Assessments take place termly from Year 1-5 in reading, writing, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Maths and ½ termly in Year 6. Teachers use a range of evidence to inform their judgement of where a child is working including tests, observation, questioning, written and oral work.  


The expectations for the average child is that they are ‘Emerging’ at Autumn, ‘Developing’ at Easter and ‘Secure’ at the end of the year for the year group that they are in. We are aware that there will be some children working below this and some working above. ‘Mastered’ in included within the curriculum to allow children to be challenged. These judgements are inputted into SIMS for analysis by the assessment co-ordinator and any other relevant leader. They are also easily accessible by class teachers. Teachers may choose to assess at the half termly assessment points however these results will not be inputted into SIMS or analysed.


The average child is expected to make one step a term, three steps progress over the year. Moving from secure in the previous year to emerging in the next year, emerging to developing and developing to secure are all examples of one step progress. Moving from secure at the end of Year 2, to secure at the end of Year 3 in one year is expected progress (three steps in a year). We are aware that all children move at different rates and some will make more progress than others. If children are not making the expected progress they are discussed at the termly pupil progress meetings and subsequent action is put in place to address any issues and give them the best opportunity to catch up. Mastered is within the secure band and does not count as a step by the SIMs system used in school, however this is closely monitored by staff to ensure children who are making that move are credited with the progress.


Phonics is assessed ½ termly/termly (as appropriate) in Reception-Year 3 (if applicable) and the phonics co-ordinator keeps track of each individual’s child’s progress through the phases and reports to class teachers and the assessment co-ordinator.

Foundation Subjects

For foundation subjects, we have adopted a whole school approach using the criteria emerging, expected and exceeding in order to track which pupils are on track for their age related expectation. 

Parents can discuss their child's progress at the termly parents evenings or at any other point in the year - please just contact the school to make an appointment. For those parents who have the School Gateway app, attainment in Years 1-6 for Reading, Writing, Maths and SPAG can be viewed termly (these will updated a couple of weeks after each assessment point to allow staff to mark, moderate and input the results).

We are continually reviewing our assessment principles in line with changes to the National Curriculum and Government Policy.