At Jump Primary School, the knowledge, skills and vocabulary of our Geography Curriculum are planned with the school’s vision at its heart. Teachers have chosen engaging and motivating enquiries from which to base their lessons on, which will ultimately instil a love of Geography from Nursery to Year 6.
On entry to Nursery, children at Jump Primary School have low or very low oracy skills and need support from our expert teachers to communicate verbally and in print. At this early stage, spoken language underpins everything that we do. Children enter into a language rich environment, where conversations with adults support their development and enthusiasm for learning about the world in which they live – on a local, national and global level. Through conversation, story-telling and role-play children are able to develop an early understanding of what is Geography and explore new relevant vocabulary. Discrete lessons focussing upon “I wonder” geography enquiry questions allow children to develop knowledge and simple enquiry skills. By the time children enter the National Curriculum our children should have acquired simple, key vocabulary and have some understanding of location, place, human and physical geography.
By the time Jump Primary School children leave us in Year 6, we aim to have developed children’s love and enthusiasm for Geography so that our children are:
· Articulate,
· Confident,
· Resilient,
· Respectful,
· Responsible,
· Self-Aware
To achieve these attributes, an engaging set of geographical enquiries have been planned, in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum. These are enquiries are designed to deepen children’s understanding of Geography year on year, building children’s bank of knowledge whilst honing and progressing enquiry skills. We are ambitious in our expectations and ensure that every lesson is meaningful.