Meet our Governors



Our governing body meet every half term to discuss the needs of our school. We listen to the voices of our children and work hard to ensure everybody is happy.



Ms Clark


Co-opted members:

Mr C Seymour (Chair)
Miss E Robinson (Vice Chair)

Mrs C Taylor (Vice Chair)

Mrs Z Baker (Deputy Head)

Mr Steven Birkinshaw

Mr Dan Rose


LA representatives:

Mr Tony Huff


Staff representative:

  Mrs N Pettinger


Parent representatives:   

Mrs H Bennett




Clerk to the governing body:

Mr William Ward


None of our governors are governors at any other schools. Their business interests are noted on the roles and responsibilities document below. None of our Governors have any financial interests that need to be declared. 

For more information on our governing body -please view the documents below:


Click here to view our attendance at meetings.

Meet Our Governors