Meet our Governors



Our governing body meet every half term to discuss the needs of our school. We listen to the voices of our children and work hard to ensure everybody is happy.



Ms Clark


Co-opted members:

Mr C Seymour (Chair)
Miss E Robinson (Vice Chair)

Mrs C Taylor (Vice Chair)

Mrs Z Baker (Deputy Head)

Mr Steven Birkinshaw

Mr Dan Rose


LA representatives:

Mr Tony Huff


Staff representative:

  Mrs N Pettinger


Parent representatives:   

Mrs H Bennett




Clerk to the governing body:

Mr William Ward


None of our governors are governors at any other schools. Their business interests are noted on the roles and responsibilities document below. None of our Governors have any financial interests that need to be declared. 

For more information on our governing body -please view the documents below:


Click here to view our attendance at meetings.

Meet Our Governors

Chris Seymour - Chair

I originally set out on my governor journey as a parent governor with 2 children in school and saw it as a way of giving a little something back to the Jump community, a village where my grandparents settled shortly after WWII.  I am an accountant by day and felt that the school would benefit from the skills I had gained throughout my career, from budget management to data interrogation in order to challenge and hold school leaders to account. My children have since left Jump Primary and I have become a co-opted governor to enable me to continue to support school life. 


Helen Bennett

I wanted to join the governing board to help support the school, so ensuring every child who attends the school has the same most amazing journey my daughter had while attending the school.

I love the school’s values, which I have seen develop in my daughter and her classmates as they moved through the school, leaving in 2022 in year 6 as a well-rounded individuals, who are testament to the school achieving its vision of confident, respectful, resilient, responsible, accurate and self-aware children.  

My daughter attend the school for 8 years after starting in nursery, this journey through school has allowed me to having a understanding of the school and how it has developed over the years.   

I also have 3 wonderful stepchildren, who I have seen move through primary and secondary schools and on to further education and employment – with one has trained to become a maths teacher, which has given me more of an insight into the demands out teachers face.  And more recently I have been blessed with 3 little gran children.

I have been employed by the Local Authority for over 20 years an Environmental Health Officer, which has allowed me to develop a wide range of skills to being to the schools governing board, including auditing and assessing. The skills I have developed through my employment will allows me to support and challenge the school’s leadership team as they take responsibility and help our children to thrive and reach their full potential.  



Tony Huff

Hello. My name is Tony Huff. I am a local authority appointed school governor. I joined the Jump Primary Governing Board in October 2023. I have previously served for three years as a school governor for a small primary school in Chipping Ongar in Essex.


I am now semi-retired whilst also being a director of a small housing developer and rental company in East London. Previously I have worked in a number of local authorities around the country in my specialist field of finance especially council housing finance. I have over 30 years of managing and providing council services as well as a number of years in the private sector as both a company director and self-employed.

I have once again become a school governor so I can use my skills and knowledge to benefit the running of the school thereby ensuring that the children receive a first class education. I see my role as supporting the school and the staff but also where necessary challenging what and the way things are being done.


My now grown up son went to a brilliant primary school in Leeds and I promised myself then that I would like to pay back for that education in some way. As a governor it gives me the chance to be involved in the education of children and help the next generation. I strongly believe that our children deserve the very best education we can provide for them and therefore we must all strive to be outstanding.


Steven Birkinshaw

I am delighted and honoured to join the governing body of Jump Primary School. As an educator currently teaching Uniformed Services at Barnsley College, and with a history of involvement in governance as a former student governor at the same college, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to educational excellence.

My journey in education has been marked by a dedication to excellence, as evidenced by our achievement of an 'Outstanding' grade during the recent OFSTED inspection at Barnsley College. This experience has not only sharpened my skills in educational leadership but also reinforced my belief in the transformative power of high-quality education.

In my new role as a governor at Jump Primary School, I am eager to contribute the following:

Experience in Educational Excellence: My background in achieving high standards in education will be instrumental in supporting and guiding the school towards continued success and improvement.

Commitment to Community Engagement: I believe in the power of community involvement in shaping a supportive and enriching educational environment. I look forward to fostering strong relationships with parents, staff, and the wider community.

My motivation for joining the governing body is rooted in a desire to give back to the community and to be part of a team that shapes the future of our young learners. I am excited about the opportunity to work collaboratively to maintain the school's high standards and to contribute to its vision for excellence in education.


Nicola Pettinger

Hi, I am Nicola Pettinger and I am the school based staff representative on the Governing board. I chose to do this role to support the staff and school. I have worked in the school for over 14 years, across a range of classes and both my children were educated here. So, by being on the governing board it also gives me the opportunity to give something back to the school. I currrently work as a HLTA and provide support for class teachers with interventions and Forest School.


Dan Rose

I am delighted to be joining the school governing board from September 2023. I have been working closely within the local education sector for several years now through my creative agency. My works have included:

- Developing culture, vision and values strategies

- Designing identities and visual communications around settings

- Producing photography and film for prospective parents and curriculum awareness

- Creating and managing website and apps

All have spanned across schools, colleges and universities. I aim to bring my experience and insights to Jump Primary School to support the school’s development plan and ensure that the aims are achieved successfully.

My experience working with local education providers around culture and purpose has presented other topics that I have supported and become more engaged with, such as behaviour and well-being within schools. This is something that I will be looking to support at school and further-develop my own knowledge and skills through Governance training that will positively impact and support the school moving forward.




Appointed By

Business/Financial Interest

Date of Appointment

Expiry of Appointment

Chris Seymour

Co-opted (chair)


Nothing to declare



Claire Taylor

Co-opted (vice chair)


Nothing to declare



Emma Robinson

Co-opted (vice chair)


Nothing to declare



Dan Rose



Nothing to declare



Steven Burkinshaw



Nothing to declare



Zoe Baker



Nothing to declare



Gill Clark

Ex Officio (Head Teacher)


Nothing to declare



Tony Huff

LA Representative


Nothing to declare



Helen Bennett



Nothing to declare







Vacancy Parent        

Nicola Pettinger



Nothing to declare






Approved Scheme of Delegation / Roles and Responsibilities – Finance


Governing Body:

The governing body has a strategic role in the financial management in schools and its key responsibilities include:

Setting financial priorities thought the:


  1. School Improvement Plan


  1. 3-year financial plan (ensuring that only a balanced sound budget is approved, with a forward projection for at least 3 years)


  1. The annual budget – establishing formal procedures and a timetable for budget planning


  • Deciding on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent, in accordance with their school improvement plan and the statutory curriculum requirements as laid down by Government.
  • Approving and monitoring the annual budget ensuring it is managed effectively
  • Ensuring the school meets all its statutory obligations, and through the head teacher complies with its LA’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of spending decisions ensuring that the school obtains best value for money when purchasing goods and services
  • Establishing a charging policy for the supply of goods and services
  • Determining virement and expenditure thresholds
  • Monitoring the budget and implementing virements when appropriate

Approve virements between budget headings over £10,000

Authorise expenditure on large items of £15,000

Receiving quarterly or termly reports on finance

Authorising tendering arrangements over £15,000

Establishing a finance committee and reviewing its remit and membership annually

Deciding, after careful consideration, whether or not to insure risks not covered by the LA (school insurance)

Authorising the disposal or write off of stock (asset register)


Meet our Governors



Our governing body meet every half term to discuss the needs of our school. We listen to the voices of our children and work hard to ensure everybody is happy.



Ms Clark


Co-opted members:

Mr C Seymour (Chair)
Miss E Robinson (Vice Chair)

Mrs C Taylor (Vice Chair)

Mrs Z Baker (Deputy Head)

Mr Steven Birkinshaw

Mr Dan Rose


LA representatives:

Mr Tony Huff


Staff representative:

  Mrs N Pettinger


Parent representatives:   

Mrs H Bennett




Clerk to the governing body:

Mr William Ward


None of our governors are governors at any other schools. Their business interests are noted on the roles and responsibilities document below. None of our Governors have any financial interests that need to be declared. 

For more information on our governing body -please view the documents below:


Click here to view our attendance at meetings.

Meet Our Governors

Chris Seymour - Chair

I originally set out on my governor journey as a parent governor with 2 children in school and saw it as a way of giving a little something back to the Jump community, a village where my grandparents settled shortly after WWII.  I am an accountant by day and felt that the school would benefit from the skills I had gained throughout my career, from budget management to data interrogation in order to challenge and hold school leaders to account. My children have since left Jump Primary and I have become a co-opted governor to enable me to continue to support school life. 


Helen Bennett

I wanted to join the governing board to help support the school, so ensuring every child who attends the school has the same most amazing journey my daughter had while attending the school.

I love the school’s values, which I have seen develop in my daughter and her classmates as they moved through the school, leaving in 2022 in year 6 as a well-rounded individuals, who are testament to the school achieving its vision of confident, respectful, resilient, responsible, accurate and self-aware children.  

My daughter attend the school for 8 years after starting in nursery, this journey through school has allowed me to having a understanding of the school and how it has developed over the years.   

I also have 3 wonderful stepchildren, who I have seen move through primary and secondary schools and on to further education and employment – with one has trained to become a maths teacher, which has given me more of an insight into the demands out teachers face.  And more recently I have been blessed with 3 little gran children.

I have been employed by the Local Authority for over 20 years an Environmental Health Officer, which has allowed me to develop a wide range of skills to being to the schools governing board, including auditing and assessing. The skills I have developed through my employment will allows me to support and challenge the school’s leadership team as they take responsibility and help our children to thrive and reach their full potential.  



Tony Huff

Hello. My name is Tony Huff. I am a local authority appointed school governor. I joined the Jump Primary Governing Board in October 2023. I have previously served for three years as a school governor for a small primary school in Chipping Ongar in Essex.


I am now semi-retired whilst also being a director of a small housing developer and rental company in East London. Previously I have worked in a number of local authorities around the country in my specialist field of finance especially council housing finance. I have over 30 years of managing and providing council services as well as a number of years in the private sector as both a company director and self-employed.

I have once again become a school governor so I can use my skills and knowledge to benefit the running of the school thereby ensuring that the children receive a first class education. I see my role as supporting the school and the staff but also where necessary challenging what and the way things are being done.


My now grown up son went to a brilliant primary school in Leeds and I promised myself then that I would like to pay back for that education in some way. As a governor it gives me the chance to be involved in the education of children and help the next generation. I strongly believe that our children deserve the very best education we can provide for them and therefore we must all strive to be outstanding.


Steven Birkinshaw

I am delighted and honoured to join the governing body of Jump Primary School. As an educator currently teaching Uniformed Services at Barnsley College, and with a history of involvement in governance as a former student governor at the same college, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to educational excellence.

My journey in education has been marked by a dedication to excellence, as evidenced by our achievement of an 'Outstanding' grade during the recent OFSTED inspection at Barnsley College. This experience has not only sharpened my skills in educational leadership but also reinforced my belief in the transformative power of high-quality education.

In my new role as a governor at Jump Primary School, I am eager to contribute the following:

Experience in Educational Excellence: My background in achieving high standards in education will be instrumental in supporting and guiding the school towards continued success and improvement.

Commitment to Community Engagement: I believe in the power of community involvement in shaping a supportive and enriching educational environment. I look forward to fostering strong relationships with parents, staff, and the wider community.

My motivation for joining the governing body is rooted in a desire to give back to the community and to be part of a team that shapes the future of our young learners. I am excited about the opportunity to work collaboratively to maintain the school's high standards and to contribute to its vision for excellence in education.


Nicola Pettinger

Hi, I am Nicola Pettinger and I am the school based staff representative on the Governing board. I chose to do this role to support the staff and school. I have worked in the school for over 14 years, across a range of classes and both my children were educated here. So, by being on the governing board it also gives me the opportunity to give something back to the school. I currrently work as a HLTA and provide support for class teachers with interventions and Forest School.


Dan Rose

I am delighted to be joining the school governing board from September 2023. I have been working closely within the local education sector for several years now through my creative agency. My works have included:

- Developing culture, vision and values strategies

- Designing identities and visual communications around settings

- Producing photography and film for prospective parents and curriculum awareness

- Creating and managing website and apps

All have spanned across schools, colleges and universities. I aim to bring my experience and insights to Jump Primary School to support the school’s development plan and ensure that the aims are achieved successfully.

My experience working with local education providers around culture and purpose has presented other topics that I have supported and become more engaged with, such as behaviour and well-being within schools. This is something that I will be looking to support at school and further-develop my own knowledge and skills through Governance training that will positively impact and support the school moving forward.




Appointed By

Business/Financial Interest

Date of Appointment

Expiry of Appointment

Chris Seymour

Co-opted (chair)


Nothing to declare



Claire Taylor

Co-opted (vice chair)


Nothing to declare



Emma Robinson

Co-opted (vice chair)


Nothing to declare



Dan Rose



Nothing to declare



Steven Burkinshaw



Nothing to declare



Zoe Baker



Nothing to declare



Gill Clark

Ex Officio (Head Teacher)


Nothing to declare



Tony Huff

LA Representative


Nothing to declare



Helen Bennett



Nothing to declare







Vacancy Parent        

Nicola Pettinger



Nothing to declare






Approved Scheme of Delegation / Roles and Responsibilities – Finance


Governing Body:

The governing body has a strategic role in the financial management in schools and its key responsibilities include:

Setting financial priorities thought the:


  1. School Improvement Plan


  1. 3-year financial plan (ensuring that only a balanced sound budget is approved, with a forward projection for at least 3 years)


  1. The annual budget – establishing formal procedures and a timetable for budget planning


  • Deciding on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent, in accordance with their school improvement plan and the statutory curriculum requirements as laid down by Government.
  • Approving and monitoring the annual budget ensuring it is managed effectively
  • Ensuring the school meets all its statutory obligations, and through the head teacher complies with its LA’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of spending decisions ensuring that the school obtains best value for money when purchasing goods and services
  • Establishing a charging policy for the supply of goods and services
  • Determining virement and expenditure thresholds
  • Monitoring the budget and implementing virements when appropriate

Approve virements between budget headings over £10,000

Authorise expenditure on large items of £15,000

Receiving quarterly or termly reports on finance

Authorising tendering arrangements over £15,000

Establishing a finance committee and reviewing its remit and membership annually

Deciding, after careful consideration, whether or not to insure risks not covered by the LA (school insurance)

Authorising the disposal or write off of stock (asset register)


Meet our Governors



Our governing body meet every half term to discuss the needs of our school. We listen to the voices of our children and work hard to ensure everybody is happy.



Ms Clark


Co-opted members:

Mr C Seymour (Chair)
Miss E Robinson (Vice Chair)

Mrs C Taylor (Vice Chair)

Mrs Z Baker (Deputy Head)

Mr Steven Birkinshaw

Mr Dan Rose


LA representatives:

Mr Tony Huff


Staff representative:

  Mrs N Pettinger


Parent representatives:   

Mrs H Bennett




Clerk to the governing body:

Mr William Ward


None of our governors are governors at any other schools. Their business interests are noted on the roles and responsibilities document below. None of our Governors have any financial interests that need to be declared. 

For more information on our governing body -please view the documents below:


Click here to view our attendance at meetings.

Meet Our Governors

Chris Seymour - Chair

I originally set out on my governor journey as a parent governor with 2 children in school and saw it as a way of giving a little something back to the Jump community, a village where my grandparents settled shortly after WWII.  I am an accountant by day and felt that the school would benefit from the skills I had gained throughout my career, from budget management to data interrogation in order to challenge and hold school leaders to account. My children have since left Jump Primary and I have become a co-opted governor to enable me to continue to support school life. 


Helen Bennett

I wanted to join the governing board to help support the school, so ensuring every child who attends the school has the same most amazing journey my daughter had while attending the school.

I love the school’s values, which I have seen develop in my daughter and her classmates as they moved through the school, leaving in 2022 in year 6 as a well-rounded individuals, who are testament to the school achieving its vision of confident, respectful, resilient, responsible, accurate and self-aware children.  

My daughter attend the school for 8 years after starting in nursery, this journey through school has allowed me to having a understanding of the school and how it has developed over the years.   

I also have 3 wonderful stepchildren, who I have seen move through primary and secondary schools and on to further education and employment – with one has trained to become a maths teacher, which has given me more of an insight into the demands out teachers face.  And more recently I have been blessed with 3 little gran children.

I have been employed by the Local Authority for over 20 years an Environmental Health Officer, which has allowed me to develop a wide range of skills to being to the schools governing board, including auditing and assessing. The skills I have developed through my employment will allows me to support and challenge the school’s leadership team as they take responsibility and help our children to thrive and reach their full potential.  



Tony Huff

Hello. My name is Tony Huff. I am a local authority appointed school governor. I joined the Jump Primary Governing Board in October 2023. I have previously served for three years as a school governor for a small primary school in Chipping Ongar in Essex.


I am now semi-retired whilst also being a director of a small housing developer and rental company in East London. Previously I have worked in a number of local authorities around the country in my specialist field of finance especially council housing finance. I have over 30 years of managing and providing council services as well as a number of years in the private sector as both a company director and self-employed.

I have once again become a school governor so I can use my skills and knowledge to benefit the running of the school thereby ensuring that the children receive a first class education. I see my role as supporting the school and the staff but also where necessary challenging what and the way things are being done.


My now grown up son went to a brilliant primary school in Leeds and I promised myself then that I would like to pay back for that education in some way. As a governor it gives me the chance to be involved in the education of children and help the next generation. I strongly believe that our children deserve the very best education we can provide for them and therefore we must all strive to be outstanding.


Steven Birkinshaw

I am delighted and honoured to join the governing body of Jump Primary School. As an educator currently teaching Uniformed Services at Barnsley College, and with a history of involvement in governance as a former student governor at the same college, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to educational excellence.

My journey in education has been marked by a dedication to excellence, as evidenced by our achievement of an 'Outstanding' grade during the recent OFSTED inspection at Barnsley College. This experience has not only sharpened my skills in educational leadership but also reinforced my belief in the transformative power of high-quality education.

In my new role as a governor at Jump Primary School, I am eager to contribute the following:

Experience in Educational Excellence: My background in achieving high standards in education will be instrumental in supporting and guiding the school towards continued success and improvement.

Commitment to Community Engagement: I believe in the power of community involvement in shaping a supportive and enriching educational environment. I look forward to fostering strong relationships with parents, staff, and the wider community.

My motivation for joining the governing body is rooted in a desire to give back to the community and to be part of a team that shapes the future of our young learners. I am excited about the opportunity to work collaboratively to maintain the school's high standards and to contribute to its vision for excellence in education.


Nicola Pettinger

Hi, I am Nicola Pettinger and I am the school based staff representative on the Governing board. I chose to do this role to support the staff and school. I have worked in the school for over 14 years, across a range of classes and both my children were educated here. So, by being on the governing board it also gives me the opportunity to give something back to the school. I currrently work as a HLTA and provide support for class teachers with interventions and Forest School.


Dan Rose

I am delighted to be joining the school governing board from September 2023. I have been working closely within the local education sector for several years now through my creative agency. My works have included:

- Developing culture, vision and values strategies

- Designing identities and visual communications around settings

- Producing photography and film for prospective parents and curriculum awareness

- Creating and managing website and apps

All have spanned across schools, colleges and universities. I aim to bring my experience and insights to Jump Primary School to support the school’s development plan and ensure that the aims are achieved successfully.

My experience working with local education providers around culture and purpose has presented other topics that I have supported and become more engaged with, such as behaviour and well-being within schools. This is something that I will be looking to support at school and further-develop my own knowledge and skills through Governance training that will positively impact and support the school moving forward.




Appointed By

Business/Financial Interest

Date of Appointment

Expiry of Appointment

Chris Seymour

Co-opted (chair)


Nothing to declare



Claire Taylor

Co-opted (vice chair)


Nothing to declare



Emma Robinson

Co-opted (vice chair)


Nothing to declare



Dan Rose



Nothing to declare



Steven Burkinshaw



Nothing to declare



Zoe Baker



Nothing to declare



Gill Clark

Ex Officio (Head Teacher)


Nothing to declare



Tony Huff

LA Representative


Nothing to declare



Helen Bennett



Nothing to declare







Vacancy Parent        

Nicola Pettinger



Nothing to declare






Approved Scheme of Delegation / Roles and Responsibilities – Finance


Governing Body:

The governing body has a strategic role in the financial management in schools and its key responsibilities include:

Setting financial priorities thought the:


  1. School Improvement Plan


  1. 3-year financial plan (ensuring that only a balanced sound budget is approved, with a forward projection for at least 3 years)


  1. The annual budget – establishing formal procedures and a timetable for budget planning


  • Deciding on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent, in accordance with their school improvement plan and the statutory curriculum requirements as laid down by Government.
  • Approving and monitoring the annual budget ensuring it is managed effectively
  • Ensuring the school meets all its statutory obligations, and through the head teacher complies with its LA’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of spending decisions ensuring that the school obtains best value for money when purchasing goods and services
  • Establishing a charging policy for the supply of goods and services
  • Determining virement and expenditure thresholds
  • Monitoring the budget and implementing virements when appropriate

Approve virements between budget headings over £10,000

Authorise expenditure on large items of £15,000

Receiving quarterly or termly reports on finance

Authorising tendering arrangements over £15,000

Establishing a finance committee and reviewing its remit and membership annually

Deciding, after careful consideration, whether or not to insure risks not covered by the LA (school insurance)

Authorising the disposal or write off of stock (asset register)