Autumn 2 2018

Week ending 21st December 2018

What a busy week it has been! We have seen fantastic performances from Nursery with their 'Tiptoe Nativity', KS1 with 'Lights, Camel, Action', and KS2 with their Christmas songs. It was lovely to see so many of you there! We hope you enjoyed them all as much as we did. 

All classes have completed litter picks with the Tidy Team this term around school or in the local area. Below is a list of how many bags of rubbish we have collected so far! Well done everyone!                                

11th October          Reception       3 bags

18th October          Year 1            3 bags

  8th November       Year 2            7 bags

15th November        Year 3           3 bags

22nd November       Year 4          10 bags

  6th December       Year 6           12 bags

Total to date 38 bags

Year 5 will complete their litter pick in January as they were rained off! 

Friday was 'Walk to School' day and many children did that while wearing their Christmas Jumpers/outfits for 'Save the Children'. Thank you for helping us raise £103.95! 

Please see the letter sent out this week regarding the money raised from the Christmas Performances and Winter Fair and what the money has/will be spent on. 

We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you all on Monday 7th January 2019!

Week ending 14th December 2018

Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 performed their guitars for parents this week. it was a chance to show everyone how far they had progressed in such a short space of time and they all did really well. Mr Waller is retiring at Christmas and we wish him all the best for the future. Guitars will continue with a new teacher in January.

Children in Years 1-6 enjoyed a trip to the Pantomime this week to see 'Goldilocks and the Three bears.' Everyone enjoyed it and some children even went on stage! 

It was also 'Christmas Dinner Day' this week and all staff worked incredibly hard to make it a memorable event for the children. Here are just a few photos from the day...



 It was our Winter Fair on Friday and thanks to all your support, it was our most successful so far! Here are some photos of the stalls that were on offer... 













We will reveal our total next week but please check your raffle tickets as there are lots of prizes to be won! All winning raffle tickets were emailed out on Friday. Thank you to everyone who ran a stall, visited a stall and to all the children and staff who made it happen! Many children in Key Stage 2 made their own items and ran their own stalls for charity - we are very proud of them for thinking of others so selflessly.

Things to look out for next week...

We hope to see many of you at the performances next week. 

Christmas parties are taking place on Thursday (Nursery and Reception) and Friday for Years 1-6. 

Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and Walk to School day - we hope to see many children walking to school wearing a great jumper! Donations for Save the Children. 

Week ending 7th December 2018

Mrs Baker and I attended the 'Stars of Hoyland and Rockingham' event this week which celebrates the hard work of volunteers and community groups across Hoyland. We are pleased to announce that the Tidy Team who are currently supporting the school with litter picks and the Eco Greenhouse won an award as did Mrs Moore who volunteers in school, is a school governor and is an active member of Jump Environmental Group. Ms Muxlow (parent) also won an award for her work with 'Woolly Wednesdays' community group who made so many poppies for the remembrance day as well as bunting for the Tour de Yorkshire! Here is a photo tweeted by Stephanie Peacock MP from the event. Congratulations everyone. 

Although the footballers didn't get through to the next round on Monday at Oakwell, they enjoyed playing and did well. 

Nursery and Reception enjoyed a trip to White Post Farm this week where they held a variety of animals, met Santa and watched a nativity with real animals! Everyone had a great time! 

The choir visited the residents of St Helen's Court in Elsecar to sing them some songs. The residents loved it and can't wait for us to go again! Thank you everyone for making their day! 

Year 6 completed their litter pick with the Tidy Team this week where they collected a great amount of rubbish from the local area. Well done Year 6. 




Things to look out for next week...

Extra tickets go on sale for the performances from Monday. 

Year 1-6 are visiting the Panto on Tuesday

It's our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday - you can come in your Christmas jumper/top for a donation of some chocolate (for the chocolate tombola stall on Friday's fair). 

It is the Winter Fair on Friday - stalls open at 2.30pm. We hope to see many of you there. 

Week ending 30th November 2018

You will have received an email giving each child in KS1 and KS2 the opportunity to take part in a writing competition (thank you to Gracie and her mum who told us about it!). All details can be found at the link below and we look forward to receiving lots of poems to enter! Please return your poems in paper format to Mrs Baker by Thursday 14th December.

Unfortunately, the Year 5 litter pick with the Tidy Team had to be cancelled this week due to the weather but we will be arranging another date soon. 

Our thanks go to everyone who helped us to raise a fantastic £462.48 for Children in Need! Your donations are very much appreciated. 

Some children in Year 6 have organised and run their own after school club (with Mrs Baker!) for KS1 children re-using plastic to make fantastic art work! Below is their first piece of work.

We have had numerous students in school over the past 3 weeks from Sheffield University. We have really enjoyed having them and would like to thank them for all their hard work. Good luck in your future teaching careers!

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Ewden Water Treatment Works looking at how water is cleaned to make it safe to drink from the tap.  Everyone really enjoyed the trip and below are just a few photos from the day...




Things to look out for next week...

Some children from Year 6 will be representing the school at the EFL Football Cup at Oakwell on Monday afternoon. 

The choir are singing for the residents of St Helen's Court, Elsecar. 

Week ending 23rd November 2018

Stephanie Peacock MP visited school to present vouchers to 3 girls in Year 6 who were the Jump School winners of her Christmas card competition. Well done girls! 

Hopefully you will have noticed the shade sails in EYFS and Year 1. These have been purchased with the Tesco Bags of help money we won earlier in the year. We still have a few things to buy to add the to Year 1 outdoor area but we hope the children will enjoy playing outside under the sails! 

We had the poet, Paul Cookson in school on Thursday and he delivered an assembly for everyone with workshops for KS1 and KS2. Everyone really enjoyed listening to and composing poems! Boing, boing, boing, boing boing! 

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their annual residential to Robinwood this week. Great fun was had by all. Lots of photos were taken but below are just a few. Huge thanks must go to Mrs Beard, Mr Schofield and Mrs Saunders who all gave up their time to take the children. Without such generosity from staff, trips like this just wouldn't go ahead.   



Something you may find useful to read. 


We didn't win the football event but everyone tried really hard and enjoyed playing. 

Things to look out for next week...

Practices are well underway for the Christmas performances. A reminder that tickets are on sale from Monday from the school office (Nursery tickets can be purchased from the Nursery classroom). 


Week ending 16th November 2018

Children and staff from school took part in the Hoyland Remembrance Parade on Sunday and ex-pupils and Governors took part in the Jump Remembrance parade - both laying wreaths. It was lovely to see so many children and parents at the events. 




It was UK Parliament week this week and classes have been conducting debates on homework and on having animals in the classroom as well as taking part in numerous votes to made decisions. Classes from Nursery to Year 6 took part and we hope the children enjoyed learning about democracy. 

Year 6 getting ready to debate about homework! 

Nursery voting on how to tidy the classroom!

The Year 3/4 children did really well at the football competition at West Meadows and came third. Well done everyone. 

This week was National Anti-Bullying Week' with the theme 'Choose Respect'. All classes completed work on this during the week. 

Today was 'Children in Need' and the children dressed up in pyjamas, onesies - anything they wanted to! We will reveal how much we raised next week, but thank you so much for all of your donations! On Thursday, Year 5 made German Gingerbread with our resident baker, Mrs Bagley. Here are some photos of the delicious gingerbread Pudseys they made! 






Please see the information below which are links for parents & carers about online safety. The guide includes 7 questions to get 'the conversation' going in relation to your child's internet usage. Engaging in regular, two-way communication with children about online activities is a really important way of building trust and highlighting the dangers they are exposed to every day.


Things to look out for next week...

There is a football league event at our school.

We have a poet in school delivering an assembly and completing workshops with classes. 

Children from Year 5 and 6 are at Robinwood for 3 days.

Week ending 9th November 2018...

Classes spent time on Friday thinking about 'Armistice 100' and how we could say 'Thank you' to the people who gave up their lives in WWI and in all battles since. Different classes completed different activities and here are just a few photos of what they did on the day...

Year 4 


Year 6

Year 3

Year 1 and 2

Members of the School Council will be going to the Hoyland Cenotaph to lay this wreath on behalf of the school as part of the Remembrance Parade on Sunday.  

Well done to our footballers who got to the semi-finals in a tournament of local teams this afternoon. They all played well and enjoyed it! 

A huge well done to Year 6 who put on a superb performance of Romeo and Juliet this week for 'Play in a Day'. It was great to see so many parents were able to come and watch too! As always, everyone had a part and they learnt a script and performed a play in just a few hours - it is always a highlight of the year and this year was no different. Well done everyone! 

Things to look out for next week...

It is UK Parliament week and we will be learning all about the role of MPs, Parliament and what we can do to make change happen.

Children from Year 3 and 4 will be representing the school at a football tournament. 

Autumn 2 2018

Week ending 21st December 2018

What a busy week it has been! We have seen fantastic performances from Nursery with their 'Tiptoe Nativity', KS1 with 'Lights, Camel, Action', and KS2 with their Christmas songs. It was lovely to see so many of you there! We hope you enjoyed them all as much as we did. 

All classes have completed litter picks with the Tidy Team this term around school or in the local area. Below is a list of how many bags of rubbish we have collected so far! Well done everyone!                                

11th October          Reception       3 bags

18th October          Year 1            3 bags

  8th November       Year 2            7 bags

15th November        Year 3           3 bags

22nd November       Year 4          10 bags

  6th December       Year 6           12 bags

Total to date 38 bags

Year 5 will complete their litter pick in January as they were rained off! 

Friday was 'Walk to School' day and many children did that while wearing their Christmas Jumpers/outfits for 'Save the Children'. Thank you for helping us raise £103.95! 

Please see the letter sent out this week regarding the money raised from the Christmas Performances and Winter Fair and what the money has/will be spent on. 

We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you all on Monday 7th January 2019!

Week ending 14th December 2018

Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 performed their guitars for parents this week. it was a chance to show everyone how far they had progressed in such a short space of time and they all did really well. Mr Waller is retiring at Christmas and we wish him all the best for the future. Guitars will continue with a new teacher in January.

Children in Years 1-6 enjoyed a trip to the Pantomime this week to see 'Goldilocks and the Three bears.' Everyone enjoyed it and some children even went on stage! 

It was also 'Christmas Dinner Day' this week and all staff worked incredibly hard to make it a memorable event for the children. Here are just a few photos from the day...



 It was our Winter Fair on Friday and thanks to all your support, it was our most successful so far! Here are some photos of the stalls that were on offer... 













We will reveal our total next week but please check your raffle tickets as there are lots of prizes to be won! All winning raffle tickets were emailed out on Friday. Thank you to everyone who ran a stall, visited a stall and to all the children and staff who made it happen! Many children in Key Stage 2 made their own items and ran their own stalls for charity - we are very proud of them for thinking of others so selflessly.

Things to look out for next week...

We hope to see many of you at the performances next week. 

Christmas parties are taking place on Thursday (Nursery and Reception) and Friday for Years 1-6. 

Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and Walk to School day - we hope to see many children walking to school wearing a great jumper! Donations for Save the Children. 

Week ending 7th December 2018

Mrs Baker and I attended the 'Stars of Hoyland and Rockingham' event this week which celebrates the hard work of volunteers and community groups across Hoyland. We are pleased to announce that the Tidy Team who are currently supporting the school with litter picks and the Eco Greenhouse won an award as did Mrs Moore who volunteers in school, is a school governor and is an active member of Jump Environmental Group. Ms Muxlow (parent) also won an award for her work with 'Woolly Wednesdays' community group who made so many poppies for the remembrance day as well as bunting for the Tour de Yorkshire! Here is a photo tweeted by Stephanie Peacock MP from the event. Congratulations everyone. 

Although the footballers didn't get through to the next round on Monday at Oakwell, they enjoyed playing and did well. 

Nursery and Reception enjoyed a trip to White Post Farm this week where they held a variety of animals, met Santa and watched a nativity with real animals! Everyone had a great time! 

The choir visited the residents of St Helen's Court in Elsecar to sing them some songs. The residents loved it and can't wait for us to go again! Thank you everyone for making their day! 

Year 6 completed their litter pick with the Tidy Team this week where they collected a great amount of rubbish from the local area. Well done Year 6. 




Things to look out for next week...

Extra tickets go on sale for the performances from Monday. 

Year 1-6 are visiting the Panto on Tuesday

It's our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday - you can come in your Christmas jumper/top for a donation of some chocolate (for the chocolate tombola stall on Friday's fair). 

It is the Winter Fair on Friday - stalls open at 2.30pm. We hope to see many of you there. 

Week ending 30th November 2018

You will have received an email giving each child in KS1 and KS2 the opportunity to take part in a writing competition (thank you to Gracie and her mum who told us about it!). All details can be found at the link below and we look forward to receiving lots of poems to enter! Please return your poems in paper format to Mrs Baker by Thursday 14th December.

Unfortunately, the Year 5 litter pick with the Tidy Team had to be cancelled this week due to the weather but we will be arranging another date soon. 

Our thanks go to everyone who helped us to raise a fantastic £462.48 for Children in Need! Your donations are very much appreciated. 

Some children in Year 6 have organised and run their own after school club (with Mrs Baker!) for KS1 children re-using plastic to make fantastic art work! Below is their first piece of work.

We have had numerous students in school over the past 3 weeks from Sheffield University. We have really enjoyed having them and would like to thank them for all their hard work. Good luck in your future teaching careers!

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Ewden Water Treatment Works looking at how water is cleaned to make it safe to drink from the tap.  Everyone really enjoyed the trip and below are just a few photos from the day...




Things to look out for next week...

Some children from Year 6 will be representing the school at the EFL Football Cup at Oakwell on Monday afternoon. 

The choir are singing for the residents of St Helen's Court, Elsecar. 

Week ending 23rd November 2018

Stephanie Peacock MP visited school to present vouchers to 3 girls in Year 6 who were the Jump School winners of her Christmas card competition. Well done girls! 

Hopefully you will have noticed the shade sails in EYFS and Year 1. These have been purchased with the Tesco Bags of help money we won earlier in the year. We still have a few things to buy to add the to Year 1 outdoor area but we hope the children will enjoy playing outside under the sails! 

We had the poet, Paul Cookson in school on Thursday and he delivered an assembly for everyone with workshops for KS1 and KS2. Everyone really enjoyed listening to and composing poems! Boing, boing, boing, boing boing! 

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their annual residential to Robinwood this week. Great fun was had by all. Lots of photos were taken but below are just a few. Huge thanks must go to Mrs Beard, Mr Schofield and Mrs Saunders who all gave up their time to take the children. Without such generosity from staff, trips like this just wouldn't go ahead.   



Something you may find useful to read. 


We didn't win the football event but everyone tried really hard and enjoyed playing. 

Things to look out for next week...

Practices are well underway for the Christmas performances. A reminder that tickets are on sale from Monday from the school office (Nursery tickets can be purchased from the Nursery classroom). 


Week ending 16th November 2018

Children and staff from school took part in the Hoyland Remembrance Parade on Sunday and ex-pupils and Governors took part in the Jump Remembrance parade - both laying wreaths. It was lovely to see so many children and parents at the events. 




It was UK Parliament week this week and classes have been conducting debates on homework and on having animals in the classroom as well as taking part in numerous votes to made decisions. Classes from Nursery to Year 6 took part and we hope the children enjoyed learning about democracy. 

Year 6 getting ready to debate about homework! 

Nursery voting on how to tidy the classroom!

The Year 3/4 children did really well at the football competition at West Meadows and came third. Well done everyone. 

This week was National Anti-Bullying Week' with the theme 'Choose Respect'. All classes completed work on this during the week. 

Today was 'Children in Need' and the children dressed up in pyjamas, onesies - anything they wanted to! We will reveal how much we raised next week, but thank you so much for all of your donations! On Thursday, Year 5 made German Gingerbread with our resident baker, Mrs Bagley. Here are some photos of the delicious gingerbread Pudseys they made! 






Please see the information below which are links for parents & carers about online safety. The guide includes 7 questions to get 'the conversation' going in relation to your child's internet usage. Engaging in regular, two-way communication with children about online activities is a really important way of building trust and highlighting the dangers they are exposed to every day.


Things to look out for next week...

There is a football league event at our school.

We have a poet in school delivering an assembly and completing workshops with classes. 

Children from Year 5 and 6 are at Robinwood for 3 days.

Week ending 9th November 2018...

Classes spent time on Friday thinking about 'Armistice 100' and how we could say 'Thank you' to the people who gave up their lives in WWI and in all battles since. Different classes completed different activities and here are just a few photos of what they did on the day...

Year 4 


Year 6

Year 3

Year 1 and 2

Members of the School Council will be going to the Hoyland Cenotaph to lay this wreath on behalf of the school as part of the Remembrance Parade on Sunday.  

Well done to our footballers who got to the semi-finals in a tournament of local teams this afternoon. They all played well and enjoyed it! 

A huge well done to Year 6 who put on a superb performance of Romeo and Juliet this week for 'Play in a Day'. It was great to see so many parents were able to come and watch too! As always, everyone had a part and they learnt a script and performed a play in just a few hours - it is always a highlight of the year and this year was no different. Well done everyone! 

Things to look out for next week...

It is UK Parliament week and we will be learning all about the role of MPs, Parliament and what we can do to make change happen.

Children from Year 3 and 4 will be representing the school at a football tournament.