I am talented; together we are AWESOME!
At Jump Primary School we believe every child to be an important and valuable member of our school family who each has their own unique gifts and talents. It is our belief that an inclusive, nurturing and caring environment will provide personalised learning approaches for all children including those with SEND to develop both academically and emotionally and thrive as talented individuals. We believe the best possible way to achieve this is a unified approach with pupil voice at the heart of a process in which children, parents and school staff work in hand in hand to ensure that all SEND needs are correctly identified and supported in order that children are able to excel as learners. We believe every child has a right to access a curriculum that is tailored to meet their own needs whilst at the same ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum.We do this through a process of reviews with pupils, parents and carers and staff throughout the school year. The school works in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014) and the Equality Act (2010). A copy of the school SEN Policy and Equality Policy is available for parents. The SEN coordinator is Mrs G Cooper The SEN Governor is Mrs Claire Taylor |