School Uniform
Our School Uniform is as follows;
Navy sweater/cardigan/sweatshirt
White or pale blue shirt or polo shirt
Black/grey trousers or skirt
Plain black shoes (if black trainers need to be worn then there should be no colour or logos visible)
Summer options:
School uniform shorts
Blue & white checked summer dress
P.E. Kit (Indoors)Plain black shortsWhite T-shirt
P.E. Kit (Outdoors)Plain black tracksuit top and bottomsWhite T-shirtBoots or trainers
There should be no logos on the PE uniform clothing.
A reminder that in line with our school policy, the only jewellery that should be worn at school is small stud earrings (not hoops) and a watch. Please ensure no other jewellery is worn. Earrings cannot be removed by school staff so on PE days, they must be removed either before school or by the child themselves. If earrings cannot be removed, your child cannot do PE or represent the school at a sporting event.
You can purchase our uniform from the following link -