Jump Primary School is very proud of its extended links with the local community.
Our pupils, parents, teachers and friends work really hard to ensure we have a community to be proud of incorporating lots of exciting opportunities for members of Jump.
St Helen's Court Elsecar - Our choir regularly sing at St Helen's Court for the members of the community who live there. We also provide them with food from our Harvest Festivals or sometimes donate this to Barnsley Food Bank. The residents love to see us and always enjoy joining in with our songs!
Team Activ - Support our teachers over the year to deliver exciting PE lessons and after school clubs. Our children vote to decide which clubs they would like us to run for their classes.
Hoyland Tesco - We love to visit Tesco to make bread or pizza. They also love to visit us on a regular basis to make Gingerbread Men, decorate Easter Eggs or make Kristingles.
Chickadees - In the past we have been lucky enough to nurture some chickadees for twenty one days. Our adopted family now live a beautiful life on a farm in Holmfirth.
Mr and Mrs Sykes - Mr and Mrs Sykes are very important members of the community and link us with the Chapel. They regularly take assemblies in school and have invited us to perform our Christmas Carol Concerts at the chapel. We really enjoy listening to their stories and singing songs with them.
The South Area Tidy Team and Jump Environmental Group - Together, we are working to improve our school community and the surrounding areas. We meet on a regular basis to discuss the needs of our community and how we can make it a better place for all.
JRSOs - With the help of Barnsley Council, our Year 5 Junior Road Safety Officers meet on a regular basis and are working really hard to improve Road Safety in our community. They run assemblies, arrange Walk to School events and regularly update their notice board with posters, letters and pictures. With their help we have achieved the Modeshift Silver Award for sustainable travel.
Barnsley Football Club - We are lucky that members of the club are joining us over playtimes and have created some really exciting games to keep us fit and healthy.