Welcome to Year 5




Year 5 is taught by Mr Parkes







Please click here for Autumn 1 planning 

 Important Information About Year 5:

  • Spelling activities are set every Friday on Spelling Shed-https://www.edshed.com/en-gb
  • Math's activities linked to our learning are set every Friday and can be can be found at https://www.mathshed.com/en-gb/ 
  • Our PE lesson takes place on Wednesday afternoon and children will need to wear their PE kit on this day.
  • Swimming is on Friday morning and children are required to bring a suitable kit on this day. 
  • Children will take their reading packets home each evening to enable them to read at home daily.  They must be returned upon the next school day. 
  • To see what we are learning about in Year 5 this half term please click on the link to view the Autumn 1 planning.

To find out more about our classroom and the work that we do, click on the 'Communications' tab and view our school Facebook page.