Parent's Page


On this page you will find up to date information about Jump Primary School.

1) Tell us what you think at;       


2) Find us in the School Performance Tables;


3) School Gateway;

School Gateway is a great way for you to see lots of interesting information linked to your child. In addition to the system allowing us to text all parents with important information, it also allows you to log in and make payments for many school items such as dinners and trips etc.  The system is very flexible and enables you to pay online, come into school with cash or do both.

School has to pay transaction fees for each payment made using this service and therefore we would encourage you to make your payments in bulk, for example, pay for dinners in advance and pay for trips and dinners in one visit to the website.  This will allow us to keep the costs down to a minimum.

The system requires you to have an email address to be able to register.

If you are interested in using this facility can you please call into the school office with your email address to get started.