Our Vision


At Jump Primary School, within a strong family culture, our vision is to support our children in their journey to becoming happy, safe and confident learners who believe in themselves.  We want our children to achieve their potential through appropriate levels of challenge and support within an academic curriculum that is broad, has depth and develops resilience.  Within a culture that has language skills at the heart, we aim for our children to become critical thinkers who can communicate in an articulate manner; we want our children to know their rights and their responsibilities.  Our goal is to develop children who are emotionally intelligent and are able to form positive relationships based on respect to be successful in a diverse society.


Be respectful

Be responsible

Be resilient


We do this by creating a learning environment where we:

  • Make learning irresistible using high quality resources and staying ahead of educational thinking
  • Create a positive family atmosphere where children feel safe and valued
  • Role model our expectations
  • Provide a balanced, challenging curriculum that is academically rigorous and fundamentally nurturing
  • Promote oracy
  • Celebrate individual talents and the uniqueness of every child while celebrating difference
  • Provide children with tools to tackle learning independently
  • Work closely with parents, carers and professionals with children at the heart of our decision making


I am talented; together we are AWESOME!
